Summer is here! Take a deep breath and fill your thoughts with innovative ideas. Intoxicated by new concepts you are ready to fly.
Guesstimated wrong; perhaps your ideas are not flowing. It is quite common to fall into a rut, frustrating, but common. It is recommended that you go back to basics and re-examine your ideas. The temptation of beautiful weather luring you out-doors weighs against a trip to the library. The need to stimulate your imagination, to re-examine your ideas from a different angle, or many different angles is desirable. It is amazing how this could lead to new possibilities that had not been conceived before.
Here are some quotes from respected authors who might provide encouragement:
If I were authorized to address any word directly to our novelists, I should say: Do not trouble yourself about standards or ideas, but try to be faithful and natural...
William Dean Howells
Everything which I have created as a poet has had its origin in a frame of mind and situation in life; I never wrote because I had, as they say, found a good subject.
Henrik Ibsen
Of all that is written, I love only what a person hath written with his blood.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Any man who will look into his heart and honestly write what he sees there, will find plenty of readers.
Ed Howe
Writing is like religion. Every man who feels the call must work out his own salvation.
George Horace Lorimer
The writer does the most who gives his reader the most knowledge, and takes from him the least time.
Sydney Smith