Some months ago while listening to a Podcast for writers I heard a word which I thought was funny… something seemingly impossible to spell. The Podcast’s host and guest were talking about NaNoWriMo… which according to the conversation, I understood that all writers knew about.
At that moment, only two months passed since I decided to change my career and to become a writer… of course a great writer because my ego would not accept a lesser variant. So I was shocked to find that after such a long time I still didn’t know what that weird word meant.
So… being a researcher also… I started to do what I know to do very well: research. I love this phase for any project. I almost fell in love with it. And what I found started to tempt me. And it tempted me for a while until I made another decision… I enrolled myself in the Camp.
Let me shortly explain what it’s about… maybe you, the future writer (I’m supposing you’re not a writer yet if you don’t know what it is) will like it also and will decide to participate at the next event.
NaNoWriMo – the non-English weird word, containing four perfect English words: National Novel Writing Month
The event is an international annual online writing project that starts on November 1st and lasts until November 30th, at midnight. The challenge is to write 50,000 words from your novel. On the one hand you are alone in this, because you have to write without anyone supervising. On the other hand you have beside you thousands of other writers and a whole NaNoWriMo team to support you. This support is received through emails, YouTube videos and forum talks. You will also belong to a cabin where you have ten other mates with whom you can build a much closer relationship. Of course you can opt to stand alone, but from my experience I advise you to choose a cabin… you’ll have more fun.
You write at your own pace, without worrying about grammar rules or editing your manuscript. The idea is to focus on completion and not on perfection. After the contest is finished, you will have all the time in the world to edit, review and publish your novel. For now, just enjoy the writing process of your first draft and let your Muse conquer your mind and heart.
You don’t even need a calculator to see what and how much you have to do; everything is at your disposal: words written, words left to be written, average words per day, target word counts, etc. All you need to do is write; nothing more, nothing less.
The day I heard about the NaNoWriMo contest it was already past the starting date line. But I noticed in this lifetime that I am so lucky in that any desire which I really wish to have with all my heart, is fulfilled almost instantly. So… this time my luck brought to me another phase of this desired contest… The NaNoWriMo Camp (held twice a year in April and July).
I love provocations in all domains. What I found about this uncommon word and event, tempted me so much that I enrolled myself in it.
And… Here I AM! Watch me World!