On July 1st, a hurricane of inspiration hit me, and I set out to write 50,000 words of my breathtaking, mind-blowing “My Twin Flame – The secrets behind the hidden Gates” story. Some said I was unhinged, and indeed, such an audacious endeavor is full of perils and self-doubt. I swatted away the writer’s block like a ninja caught in an attack of bloody mosquitoes. I drank oceans of water struggling to keep going. What’s a writer to do?
Fortunately, Camp NaNoWriMo fueled my fatigue-laden brain. I wrote 52,817 words, which means I’m the equivalent of Wonder Woman in terms of writerly strength (and more because she never wrote a novel). Now I’m going to enslave my husband for the entire month of August (and then start hatching plans for NaNoWriMo this November).
I’m going to keep my creative momentum going by following the whimsical and brain-building conversations about writing on NaNoWriMo’s Facebook page. I also pledge to sign up for NaNoWriMo this November and write like an over-caffeinated Peregrine. Even the snarl of a ferocious beast won’t stop me because I know I can achieve mountainous and stellar things.
~M.C. Simon