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NaNoWriMo-2014 | Fourth Day After the Start

Camp NaNoWriMo
Camp NaNoWriMo

Friday July 4th, 2014
The 4th Camp day

I wrote for three days; only a few words. And I don’t like anything that I wrote. I did it only because I was supposed to do it; only because I felt guilty for not doing it. I felt guilty for not keeping the promise which I made to myself to continuously write; guilty because if I would stop writing, the team which I belong to in the camp, would not fulfill its daily goals. I can’t stand this feeling.

I am now wondering why am I like this? All my life I haven’t been able to admit that I can fail, like any normal person. Well… failing is probably fine for me, but I can’t stand the idea that someone else would see that I failed. No way! My Ego will never allow something like this.

The day just started… let’s see what it will bring next.

By the way… Happy 4th of July to all who celebrate this day!

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