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A Common Man

A Common Man - Business Man Transported Back In Time

Book Details

  • Title: A Common Man: The extraordinary tale of an ordinary 21st Century businessman
    from South Carolina who attempts to stop the assassination of Abraham Lincoln
  • Author: Danny J. Bradbury
  • Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Time Travel, Historical Fiction, Literature, Fiction
  • Length: 264 pages
  • Publisher: L&R Publishing, LLC
  • Publication Date: March 8, 2022

A Common Man – Synopsis

A Common Man - Student Of History Journey Of Self-discovery

William Campbell is a modern, middle-aged business man who lives in upstate South Carolina along with his wife Linda. William is an average man who feels he has not left his mark on the world. A student of history and an avid reader, he has often wondered how the South would have fared at the end of the American Civil War had Abraham Lincoln been allowed to serve out the rest of his second term and prevent the damaging effects of reconstruction to the Southern states and how that has affected race relations ever since.

After having a particularly bad day at the office, William takes a walk to clear his mind, and subsequently suffers a massive heart attack and blacks out. He awakens to a large crowd of people trying to help him as he lies in the street. He is confused by the dress and manner of these people, and as he is being examined by the local doctor, comes to the uneasy realization that he has been transported back to 1865. As the reality of this sinks in, he realizes that he has been given a golden opportunity to prevent the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

Over the next three months, William takes a harrowing journey north, at times by himself, and other times assisted by all manner of people. It is a journey of self-discovery and peril, testing the very limits of what he can endure to complete his mission.

As William travels on foot, by wagon, and train, he comes into contact with a population that has been impacted by four years of war. He is soon given the precious gift of a few days in Washington to plan out how he will prevent the assassination. During this time, he becomes emboldened by his prospects, and even though he wants to make it back to his family, he knows that he can’t fail in his mission.

The rest, as they say, is history…or is it?

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Author Bio

A Common Man - A Golden Opportunity Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln

Danny Bradbury grew up in Cheyenne, Wyoming. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1982-1988. Danny graduated from Excelsior College and retired from a career in the insurance industry. He has had a lifetime passion for history. Danny currently lives in Greer, South Carolina, with his wife Tricia.

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A Common Man: The extraordinary tale of an ordinary 21st Century businessman from South Carolina who attempts to stop the assassination of

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