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Legacy (Grapes of Rome Book 1)

Legacy - Died In Battle

  • Title: Legacy (Grapes of Rome Book 1)
  • Author: Remmy Meggs
  • Genre: Teen & Young Adult
  • Length: 283 pages
  • Publisher: RWP Books
  • Publication Date: October 12, 2015

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Legacy Grapes of Rome

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Legacy (Grapes of Rome Book 1) – Synopsis

Legacy - The Brutality Of War
As the son of a Roman General and Statesman, he was destined to become an officer in his father’s army, learn to run the family business, and marry. This was Rome at the beginning of the Republic and right after the last of the kings. It was a deadly time of corruption, traitors, and assassins. This was a time when ten year olds died in battle and when twelve year olds led the troops, a time when twenty to thirty year olds ruled a Republic and those older yet, ruled the senate.

Young Dante couldn’t have foreseen what would happen to him and his childhood friends, but then, it was expected of them. Follow Dante in his journey into manhood in this passionate tale about an unlikely hero, the brutality of war, and survival.

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About the Author

Legacy - Destined To Become

Remmy Meggs has written YA action-adventure novels and is working on others.

He spends his time writing, playing a few online games with friends and movies he can get, and listens to music. Remmy sleeps about twelve hours on and off each day. We hope you enjoy his work as much as we do.

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Legacy (Grapes of Rome Book 1) - WritersPayItForward

As the son of a Roman General and Statesman, he was destined to become an officer in his father’s army, learn to run the family business, and marry.

Editor's Rating:

One Response

  1. This story of young Dante growing up in the tumultuous early Roman Republic is both brutal and inspiring. Remmy Meggs has crafted a tale that explores themes of war, friendship, and resilience, making it perfect for fans of historical adventure.

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