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Precious Life Who Told You No?

Precious Life Who Told You No? - planned parenthood agenda abortion in america

  • Title: Precious Life Who Told You No?: The Audacity of Forgiveness!
  • Author: Dr. Deborah A. Fuller
  • Genre: Health, Spirituality
  • Publication Date: October 02, 2021

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PRECIOUS LIFE WHO TOLD YOU NO? The Audacity of Forgiveness!

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Precious Life Who Told You No? – Synopsis

Abortion, Death, Forgiveness, and Life.
Precious Life Who Told You No? - abortion process deaths of unborn children

Planned Parenthood has disguised itself as a provider of healthcare in the United States. Planned Parenthood preys on the fears and undercuts of the nation’s poor and underprivileged. From black slavery to the holocaust to the genocide of the mentally ill, the government has been trying for hundreds of years to control human lives.

Dr. Fuller’s book contains more than facts and impressions about the abortion process. It reveals insight into the human (and very personal) costs paid by women who underwent voluntary and involuntary abortions. Also revealed is the callousness of those in the industry which is based upon the deaths of our unborn children and the money made while trading in their body parts.

The physical pains seem to pale in comparison to the emotional and psychological wounds that refuse to heal without GOD’s forgiveness. Often, after their abortions, women cannot forgive themselves and suffer immense psychological damage. Guilt, fear of discovery and judgement of family, friends or associates can be powerful weapons when wielded against someone already “on the ropes” from an abortion.

We men usually fail to understand the enormous costs a woman (or young girl) signs up for when she decides to have an abortion. Although it is sold to the public, especially to poor women, as health care, these “convenient” procedures which result in millions of murders annually, constitute a bright, red stain on the myth of our national purity and righteousness.

Without repentance, the pardon of Almighty GOD and the Blood of CHRIST to wash these sins away, many people involved in abortion-related activities must face an eternal Judgement they are ill-prepared to withstand. Dr. Fuller has bravely chosen to give us admission to her struggle to find self-forgiveness and peace years after her procedures so that someone else who has aborted a child may receive encouragement from her example and find GOD’s love and forgiveness.

~ Pastor Lloyd A. Fuller, MPH Forever Rejoicing Ministries’

I was given a digital copy of the author’s book “Precious Life Who Told You NO” in exchange for an honest review. There are many topics of discussion that are difficult to talk about. The author handles one of the toughest and highly volatile topics of our age —Abortion! Writing a book on the topic of abortion is not an easy one. It’s even more difficult when it’s your story. Experience adds authenticity to a topic that many don’t want to talk about.

The author exhibited authenticity, courage, and insight from her own personal experience and another courageous woman who experiences having multiple abortions. Both these women and the countless others who’ve shared their stories. All across the board, women were lied to, and still are, by society, about when a fetus is considered a ‘baby’ or a ‘human being’? The author educates the reader by writing about these ideologies that have been perpetuated throughout time. It talks about the emotional, physical, and spiritual pain women endure long after they have had an abortion. She also shared the redemptive, unconditional love of a forgiving God and Heavenly Father.

The author doesn’t leave you hanging…She points you to Jesus as the way to healing spiritually, emotionally, and relationally. I recommend this book to any woman who’s still suffering in silence because she’s never told anyone; to the woman who’s contemplating on having an abortion, and those who know of women in their lives who’s had an abortion and want to gain understanding so that she can better support to her friends or family member.

~ Yvonne Carson Artist/Author/Teacher/Art By Vōnè

Precious Life was written for such a time as this. With abortion still being a political and spiritual hot topic amid cultural ramifications. This book speaks to the heart of those who have had abortions. The author writes from the cries of her own heart as she reaches out to those of us who cry. She reaches into the heart and soul of the matter. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to be healed as well as forgiven.

This book is for all the women and men who have had an abortion (including me). Coming to terms with what we have done can be very difficult. The guilt and shame we live with can become like a life sentence. This book lets us know we are not alone. There is a way to escape the guilt and shame through the love and mercy of the Savior, the Son of GOD, Jesus Christ. He died to set us free. Additionally, we must forgive ourselves, knowing that we are forgiven through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

~ Laura McGilvery (Retired) Chaplin Love Gospel Assembly

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Author Bio

Precious Life Who Told You No? - abortion recovery books escape the guilt

Deborah A. Fuller, Ed.D., is a graduate of Liberty University in education and Co-Pastor of Forever Rejoicing Ministries’. Dr. Fuller is a wife and mother of three children including her stepson, five grandchildren, and two great-granddaughters. She is the founder and director of Forever Rejoicing Praise Dance Ministry for over 20 years. Dr. Fuller is a licensed preacher and has been preaching the Gospel in dance for many years, ministering and counseling women and teens.

Dr. Fuller wrote her dissertation “Parental Involvement in Children’s Education at A Christian School: A Transcendental Phenomenological Approach.” Her dissertation research aimed to open the eyes of parents, teachers, and administrators; the study may help more parents of every socioeconomic class become progressively involved in their children’s daily school activities and help students thrive academically. Dr. Fuller’s dissertation is now being considered for publication in the Journal of Research on Christian Education.

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Precious Life Who Told You No? - WritersPayItForward

Precious Life Who Told You No? Planned Parenthood has disguised itself as a provider of healthcare in the United States and preys on the fear

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