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Across the Wilderness (The Wilderness Series Book 1)

Across the Wilderness - Wilderness Book Series

  • Title: Across the Wilderness (The Wilderness Series Book 1)
  • Author: Pamela Ackerson
  • Genre: Literature, Fiction, Historical Fiction, Science Fiction
  • Length: 191 pages
  • Publication Date: December 3, 2014

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Across the Wilderness (The Wilderness Series Book 1) – Synopsis

Across the Wilderness - Native American Historical Fiction Traveling Through Time

Stories that stir within us the unquenchable hope for a better tomorrow.

Pamela Ackerson delivers all the passion that fans of this Native American, historical, time travel series have come to love. With unforgettable characters, she has enchanted readers with adventure and love that has spanned across the essence of time.

This is the story that started it all, introducing the Wilderness time travel series, a timeless, spellbinding novel of passion and richly detailed history that delightfully comes alive in an exhilarating adventure with a love story that spans across the ages.

The mysterious dreams had become a reality. Traveling through time, Dr. Karen Anderson found herself in the land of the Lakota, in the midst of the Indian wars, and the movement west. Swept into the arms of the dark-haired warrior, Standing Deer, from her modern-day hustle and bustle to the temporary serenity of life on the Plains…over the span of time, they fight for yesterday and together find the promise of tomorrow.

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About the Author

Across the Wilderness - Time Travel Romance Series

Wife, mother, author, and time traveling adventurer. Born and raised in Newport, RI where history is a way of life, Pamela Ackerson now lives on the Space Coast of Florida where everyone is encouraged to reach for the stars! A hop, skip, and jump from Disney World and fun-filled imagination and fantasy. Non-fiction, WW2, self-help, historical fiction, time travel, westerns, Native American, and children’s preschool/first reader books.

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Across the Wilderness (The Wilderness Series Book 1)

Across the Wilderness: A time travel series, a timeless, spellbinding novel of passion and richly detailed history that delightfully comes alive in an

Editor's Rating:

One Response

  1. I found Across the Wilderness (The Wilderness Series Book 1) by Pamela Ackerson to be a captivating time travel adventure. The blend of historical fiction and romance kept me hooked, especially with the vivid descriptions of life among the Lakota during the Indian wars. The journey of Dr. Karen Anderson as she navigates a completely different time is both intriguing and heartfelt. It’s a great read for anyone who enjoys a mix of history, adventure, and a touch of the supernatural.

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