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Financial Freedom With Real Estate

Financial Freedom With Real Estate - Start Making Money Today

  • Title: Financial Freedom With Real Estate: Start Making Money Today Because Everyone Else Is
  • Author: Michael Steven
  • Genre: Business & Money, Buying & Selling Homes, Commercial Real Estate, Real Estate Investments
  • Length: 119 pages
  • Publication Date: August 2, 2020

Financial Freedom With Real Estate – Synopsis

Financial Freedom With Real Estate - Pursue Your Dreams

If you want to stop relying on your day job and have the freedom to pursue your dreams, then keep reading…

Do you feel stuck in a miserable job, slaving away from 9 to 5 because you don’t have any other income and are scared of not having enough to get by?

Do you want to have the flexibility and freedom to spend more time with your family, travel the world, or work on your personal projects?

Are you looking for a way to increase your income and build your wealth without spending a lot of money upfront and while still keeping your day job?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then you may want to consider investing in real estate as a path towards financial freedom.

According to Forbes, real estate offers the safest, steadiest and simplest way to build wealth. In fact, Andrew Carnegie once claimed that “90% of millionaires become so by investing in real estate.”

Even millennials know that real estate is a key way to build wealth, with the average millennial millionaire already owning 3 properties.

I know what you’re thinking… I don’t have millions of dollars to buy real estate! Well, you don’t have to be a millionaire to get started in real estate investing.

Many millionaires started with just a small investment and built up their portfolio from there. For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger used his bodybuilding savings to invest in real estate, which eventually made him his first million. Acting didn’t make him a millionaire. Real estate did!

Think of it this way:
By saving and investing just 7% of your paycheck for a down payment, you can already own real estate and start reaping the benefits.

Financial Freedom with Real Estate is a straight forward guide to help you understand how wealth creation works through real estate. It provides useful tools and strategies for real estate investing, even without millions of dollars.

In Financial Freedom with Real Estate, you will discover:

How you can replace your salary with rental income so you are not dependent on your 9 to 5 job

  • Why millionaires like Shark Tank judge Barbara Corcoran say that real estate is the best investment you can make
  • A step-by-step guide into getting into your first real estate investment
  • 6 essential formulas you need to master to make money
  • How to buy your first investment property, even if you don’t have money to invest
  • The secret to saving money by owning real estate
  • The lease arrangement that most real estate investors overlook, that can bring in higher and steadier returns
  • 3 simple ways to double, then triple and exponentially increase your investment portfolio and send you on your way to becoming financially free
  • Free bonus: An easy-to follow checklist when choosing a property to invest in

And much more.

It is no longer enough to rely on your job. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown how expendable employees can be in times of crisis.

64% of Americans don’t have enough money for retirement and will have to keep working beyond 60. Do you want to be one of these people?

Don’t get left behind and remain stuck in a thankless job. Start your journey towards financial freedom today.

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About the Author

Financial Freedom With Real Estate - Increase Your Income

Author – Publisher, Entrepreneur, and Investor in the world of Business, Money, Finance, and Wealth Management.
With over 30 years of experience, I teach people how to get out of debt and stay out of debt, PLUS I teach them how to become financially free in the real estate world, and with all this said, I show them how to do it with little, or no money at all. Real estate has made me more money than I could ever have imagined, and now, it’s time for me to give back to society. I have decided to put my experiences on paper, and started writing books so that everyone gets an opportunity to benefit from my success.

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Financial Freedom With Real Estate - WritersPayItForward

Financial Freedom With Real Estate: Do you feel stuck in a miserable job, slaving away from 9 to 5 because you don’t have any other income and are scared of

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