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Martin Swans Diary

Martin Swans Diary - Aspiring Actress

  • Title: Martin Swans Diary
  • Author: Kyle Keyes
  • Genre: Literature & Fiction
  • Length: 306 pages
  • Publication Date: January 11, 2015

Martin Swans Diary – Synopsis

Martin Swans Diary - Curtain Call

Martin Swan first saw Jodie Seales at The Niagara Playhouse in South Jersey. The young, aspiring actress portrayed Aunt Abby Brewster in a stage production of Arsenic And Old Lace.
Federal Agent Swan was just a face in the crowd.
The cast removed wigs, glasses and other head-dress at curtain call. Jodie’s blond curls tumbled out. Bright floods illuminated her face as she lifted from her curtsey, and Martin Swan went over the falls – without the barrel.

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About the Author

Martin Swans Diary - Over The Falls

Kyle Keyes presents MATCHING CONFIGURATIONS / Quantum Roots III, based on a belief that any quark assembly that spins through worm holes, must format with a matching configuration, triggered from this side of a time wall.
Quantum Roots is based on evidence that quarks have anti-quarks, which serve as roots for fermion energy bits.
When Olan Chapman’s life cycle ends, his quarks rejoin these anti-quarks on the “other side,” where they await Chapman’s next adventure.
In this third Quantum Roots novel, the idea of Matching Configurations, replaces “string” and “pocket” theories as a method to segregate said quarks. This is done by a trigger that throws up a wormhole design on Einstein/Rosen’s two dimensional time wall that would format with Chapman’s personal energy bits.
Should this “quantum space”-to-“space/time” theory pan out, it could explain certain paranormal activities, as well as standard evolutionary patterns already in progress.

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Martin Swans Diary - WritersPayItForward

Martin Swans Diary - Martin Swan first saw Jodie Seales at The Niagara Playhouse in South Jersey. The young, aspiring actress portrayed Aunt Abby Brewster in a stage production

Editor's Rating:

One Response

  1. Martin Swan’s Diary is a captivating and heartfelt journey! The author’s ability to delve into the complexities of life through the eyes of Martin is truly remarkable. I was engrossed from the first page and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a deeply personal and emotional read.

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