- Title: Our Cosmic Origin: Knowledge in preparation for the ascension of planet earth
- Author: Ismael Perez
- Genre: Religion, Spirituality, Occult, Paranormal, Ancient & Controversial Knowledge, New Age
- Length: 282 pages
- Publication Date: August 15, 2021
Video Presentation
Ismael Perez – Our Cosmic Origin – Starseeds – ***MUST WATCH***
Our Cosmic Origin – Synopsis
In this new and exciting book you’ll find out the true history of earth as it connects to the suppressed history of our galaxy. It has been revealed in a way where science, philosophy and spirituality finally come together as one. You’ll come to understand the true origin of our species, our cosmic ancestry as it relates to endless worlds, other dimensions and multiple universes. I will open up your eyes about earths place in the multiverse and about a greater organization of cosmos that is being orchestrated by the multiple councils that exist on every level from the central universe to the local planetary systems. Most importantly, you will have a better understanding of our reality in terms of evidence that is currently being suppressed by a controlled Academia and the scientific consensus.
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About The Author
Ismael discovered his ancient mystical powers as a young immigrant child when he began to use telekinesis. Before he could fully embrace his role as a cosmic ambassador, Ismael went through a dark night of the soul that led him to discover his true life purpose as a Divine Starseed from the Lyra Constellation. Able to channel celestial downloads from distant star systems and multi-dimensions, Ismael spends his time as a galactic historian teaching classes on Starseed Cosmology. He is the author of the acclaimed book “Our Cosmic Origin,” which explores the extraterrestrial ancestry of the human race and the coming Golden Age of the New Earth.
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Our Cosmic Origin - Find out the true history of earth as it connects to the suppressed history of our galaxy. It has been revealed in a way