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The Poison Prison

  • Title: The Poison Prison: Inside the Mind of a Paranoid Schizophrenic
  • Author: Chris Maoate
  • Genre: Literature, Fiction, Death, Grief, Loss Poetry
  • Length: 74 pages
  • Publication Date: July 9, 2019

The Poison Prison – Synopsis

The Poison Prison - An Invisible War

I need you more than water
a river could not quench this thirst
the dam holding back my emotions
has breached it’s banks and begun to burst

I’m right on this precipice
lost within a dream
must be time to step over the ledge
and surrender this Machine…

For the last quarter of a century I’ve been fighting an invisible war. A war I could never win but only endure. I found writing poetry as a way of making sense of the mess my life had become. You could say that I became a poet by default.

If people really want to know what it’s like to be me then I always refer them to my poetry. This book gives a voice to my angst. It describes my battle far better than I ever could in person.

I am so thankful to this clarity writing has given me. Without this outlet the light of my existence would have been extinguished long ago.

In my poetry I’ve drawn inspiration from religion, war, Greek mythology and an alter ego I’ve named ‘Machine.’ These worlds have given me life to my words.

This book is a culmination of my 25 year battle with Schizophrenia.

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About the Author

The Poison Prison - Inspiration In Religion

Over 25 years ago I set sail on a journey without a destination. I had just been diagnosed as a Schizophrenic and had no idea how to navigate the waters of my psychosis. What I discovered is that my words were more healing than the psychiatrist’s pen. I continue to write and fight, heal, and feel. And I hope my words reach you.

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The Poison Prison - WritersPayItForward

The Poison Prison: For the last quarter of a century I've been fighting an invisible war. A war I could never win but only endure. I found writing poetry as

Editor's Rating:

One Response

  1. The Poison Prison sounds intense and gripping! The dark, suspenseful elements of the plot immediately caught my attention. The combination of intrigue and danger promises a thrilling read that I’m excited to explore.

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