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Zortega’s Qualum and the Shadow Walker

Zortega's Qualum and the Shadow Walker - Magical New World

  • Title: Zortega’s Qualum and the Shadow Walker
  • Authors: Lagina Weaver & Darryl Johnson Jr.
  • Genre: Mythology, Folk Tales, Fairy Tale, Fantasy, Science Fiction
  • Length: 334 pages
  • Publisher: iUniverse
  • Publication Date: February 29, 2020

Zortega’s Qualum and the Shadow Walker – Synopsis

Zortega's Qualum and the Shadow Walker - Secret Long Kept Prophecy Series

As Devereaux Vanseal grows up on earth with his buddies Anthony pike and Harley Braymark. He soon realizes there was more about his worlds long kept secret history. Dev the successor of the Capricorn line, safe and protected life soon comes to and end when his friends and family are attacked on earth. With this new magical, an imminent threat declaring to over turn Zortega and the twelve council members. Dev must find a way to help figure out how to help the council take down the shadow figure known as Ophuihcan. With Dagon his familiar by Dev’s side will he be able to fight the Kantor familiars and survive? Will the prophecy of the 13th line finally come true after so many years?

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About The Authors

Zortega's Qualum and the Shadow Walker - New Magical Stories

LaGina Weaver and Darryl Johnson Jr. are a loving couple established in June of 2013. They have three beautiful girls ages 10, 5, 1 and one 6 year old son along with two fur babies. Darryl is a United States soldier with many years under his belt as an active duty member. LaGina is a former medical caregiver with many avenues of medical education but is now working hard to be a entrepreneur on her business. Darryl’s favorite past time is reading books, listening to records on his record player and smoking a good cigar. Gina’s Favorite past time is listening to music, watching TV and movies with her family and arts and crafts. Writing ‘Zortega’s Qualum and the Shadow Walker‘ was a pure joy for them exploring a new partner ship in there marriage so they hope you like it as much as they enjoyed writing it.

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Zortega's Qualum and the Shadow Walker - WritersPayItForward

Zortega’s Qualum and the Shadow Walker: As Devereaux Vanseal grows up on earth he soon realizes there was more about his worlds long kept secret history.

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