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Slave Auction Story Southern United States Of America

  • Author: DL Jones
  • Genre: Horror, Historical
  • Publisher: 43TEN Press
  • Publication Date: January 7, 2019


Roots Alex Haley Horror Story

Alex Haley’s ROOTS meets Friday the 13th

Ebook priced at an introductory price of 99 Cents (regular price $4.99)

Billette Hall is Historical Fiction Horror/Thriller that takes place during US Slavery

You have Runaway slaves!

You have a dual Axe wielding murderer!

You have suspense!

You have a 15 year old, pistol toting, female protagonist!

You have an escape slave trying to get back to his wife!

Action… Adventure!

Look, this is a horror story that takes place during slavery… there’s no other stories out there like that.


Try to find one…

Go ahead… Im waiting…



Oh, you’re still reading? Ok heres the synopsis

Southern United States of America, 1858.

A slave auction goes wrong leaving a group of slaves, that were meant to be sold to Billette Hall, in the hands of a cruel slave master. That sale left slaves separated from their loved ones and family members. Marion’s life changes when Master Jesse of Billette Hall Plantation summons her into his quarters for an important task. She must sneak into the auction grounds and help the displaced slaves escape. Those slaves are to be brought safely to Billette Hall.

Armed with a Revolver and a single shot, Marion, the 15-year-old slave girl, must lead the displaced slaves on a 4-day trek through the wilderness to safety. The trek is harrowing and filled with danger as they are forced to avoid bounty hunters, slave catchers and their dogs.

Making matters worse, Marion and the rest of the escaped slaves soon discover that there are nightmares more frightening than the slavers. They are being hunted! A strange unknown man, covered in mud and wielding an axe, stalks them. Everyone who has crossed his path is dead. Marion and her tiny group of frightened men and women will suffer the same fate unless they can rise above their fear.

Billette Hall is the horrifyingly new American Slavery thriller by DL Jones

Will They Make it to Billette Hall?

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About the Author

Author DL Jones

DL Jones is a Writer, IT Professional and Tech Enthusiast.

Where to begin? HYPO is a story I wrote back in 2011-2012. I had just moved to a new city/state and was looking for employment. During my downtime, I would do several things that were hobbies for most of my adult life. That includes seeing movies, playing video games, and writing. Also, one of my lifelong loves, working with computers. That lead to a lot of website work, blogging, and eventually writing long form fiction (and non-fiction).

I got the idea for this story based on a story I remember hearing when I was younger. The old story about the woman who had a child trapped beneath a car in an accident. She was able to lift the car to save her child. I never believed that story, but I thought it was fascinating to think about. I thought, if that was true, if the body can do such extraordinary things, scientist or doctors should’ve figured out a way to manipulate your body or brain to do those things at will, with medicine. Then I thought, what would happen if some type of medicine was created to accomplish those things at will?

To be honest, HYPO was not a novel…initially. During that time, I was big into writing screenplays. I did a lot of research on the formatting, writing and methods of the art. Even took a video-based class on screenplay writing. I’ve written a lot of screenplays…well I started a lot of screenplay’s. HYPO was the first one that I finished. I would consider my HYPO screenplay to be a first draft, I still needed to do some work on it and always said I would go back to it one day and do a re-write. The year I wrote the HYPO screenplay, I submitted it into the Academy Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting competition. It was a fun experience, knowing that something I wrote was being considered among other screenwriters across the country. I never expected anything to come of it, but I did it, and I was proud of that. Spoiler, nothing did ever come of it.

This brings us to now. I had several novels in the works, a couple non-fiction and one fiction. I needed a brain cleanser, so I decided to do a rewrite of HYPO. I opened the screenplay on my computer and started reading it. Other than the first act, I had never let anyone read the whole thing. By the time I got to the end of the screenplay, I decided I was going to rewrite HYPO as a novel and self-publish it.

I had several ideas about publishing HYPO. At first, I was thinking I would self-publish HYPO in its screenplay state. Then I thought about re-writing as a novel and self-publishing that way. What I have decided on is the multiple approach option. I always felt like there were 3 parts to this story. So, I am writing each part as a short story and self-publishing them that way. Of course, the entire 3 parts is one story, so you will have to read each part to get the full complete story.

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BILLETTE HALL - WritersPayItForward

Southern United States of America, 1858. A slave auction goes wrong leaving a group of slaves, that were meant to be sold to Billette Hall, in the hands of a cruel slave master. That sale left slaves separated from their loved ones and family members.

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