- Title: Change Your Diet Change Your Life: 6 Simple Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle
- Author: Eugene Bly
- Genre: Health, Fitness, Dieting
- Length: 61 pages
- Publication Date: June 15, 2015
Change Your Diet Change Your Life – Synopsis
Change your diet, change your life is not a diet plan, but rather teaches you how incorporating the 6 natural doctors, diet, exercise, sunshine, proper hydration, proper breathing and proper rest can lead to a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
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About the Author
Eugene is a Certified Life Coach coach and home business consultant and trainer with a passion for helping individuals actualize their true potential. Eugene enjoys writing on the subjects of personal growth and development, entrepreneurship, and health and wellness. Eugene teaches his unique brand of holistic life coaching via online courses, workshops, and seminars.
Contact The Author
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Life Coach Academy
Change Your Diet Change Your Life - WritersPayItForward
Change your diet, change your life is not a diet plan, but rather teaches you how incorporating the 6 natural doctors, diet, exercise, sunshine, proper hydration, proper breathing and proper rest can lead to a balanced and healthy lifestyle.