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Crime Exposed: A Buck Taylor Novel

Crime Exposed: A Buck Taylor Novel - Crime Novel

  • Title: Crime Exposed: A Buck Taylor Novel
  • Author: Chuck Morgan
  • Genre: Mystery, Thrillers, Suspense
  • Length: 342 pages
  • Publisher: Charles E Morgan
  • Publication Date: May 31, 2019

Crime Exposed: A Buck Taylor Novel – Synopsis

Crime Exposed: A Buck Taylor Novel - The Ambush Murders Book

Fresh off investigating the ambush murders of two police officers, Colorado Bureau of Investigation Agent, Buck Taylor and his team are called upon to find a missing journalist, in a case that leads to murder and child pornography, in the much anticipated fourth “Crime” novel.

She was about to thank the Good Samaritan when he reached a huge hand behind her head and in one swift move slammed her forehead into the steering wheel. The blow was so hard that it cracked the top of the steering wheel. It took two more blows to knock her out.

He put the car in gear and, checking once more up and down the highway, pushed the car past the end of the guardrail and stopped it at the edge of the drop-off. The reservoir was still frozen, but he hoped that enough of the thaw had occurred to make the ice thin enough so the car would crash right through it. He was confident that the snowfall that was underway would cover the hole in the ice.

With one last look up and down the empty highway, he closed the door, walked behind the car and gave it a shove. With a grinding of metal against rock, the car bounced over the edge and rolled down the side of the reservoir, crashing into the ice with a loud bang, and after a second’s hesitation, broke through the ice and disappeared beneath the surface. He stood on the shoulder of the road and watched until the taillights blinked off.

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About the Author

Crime Exposed: A Buck Taylor Novel - Police Officer Ambushed And Killed

Chuck Morgan attended Seton Hall University and Regis College and spent thirty-five years as a construction project manager. He is an avid outdoorsman, an Eagle Scout, and a licensed private pilot with a passion for camping, hiking, mountain biking, and fly-fishing.

Morgan is the author of Her Name Was Jane, a memoir about his late wife’s nine-year battle with breast cancer. He is also the author of the Crime Series, featuring CBI Agent Buck Taylor in Crime Interrupted, Crime Delayed and Crime Unsolved. Morgan has three children, three grandchildren, and two dogs. He resides in Lone Tree, Colorado.

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Crime Exposed: A Buck Taylor Novel - WritersPayItForward

Crime Exposed: Fresh off investigating the ambush murders of two police officers, Colorado Bureau of Investigation Agent, Buck Taylor and his team are

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