- Title: Crimson Planet: Known Worlds Series (Known World Series Book 1)
- Author: Lon Varnadore
- Genre: Science Fiction
- Length: 99 pages
- Publication Date: March 20, 2019
Crimson Planet – Synopsis
This is not a story of science fact. This is fantastic science fiction. The old guard kind. The raypunk kind.
Tosh, formally of the House du’Vaul, is on the road to make or break his fortune. Bors of the Northern Mountains is a barbarian needing escape from the authorities. The two are brought together by a mysterious figure and given a quest, to find the Eye of Saturnalia. On the Crimson Planet.
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About the Author
Always been a fan of science fiction and fantasy. Been writing it for years and will until I am have been lowered into the ground. My first novel, “Mostly Human,” has been in my head and on paper for years. There are more stories of 4Pollack and working on the next one as fast as I can. Also, I have spread my areas into urban fantasy noir with “Janus City,” space Opera with “Blood for the Empress” and even military sci-fi with “I.S.S. Starkiller.” And now, I must go back to my scribblings.
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Crimson Planet - WritersPayItForward
This is not a story of science fact. This is fantastic science fiction. The old guard kind. The raypunk kind. Tosh, formally of the House du’Vaul, is on the road to make or break his fortune. Bors of the Northern Mountains is a barbarian needing escape from the authorities.