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Evidence of the Vampire

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  • Title: Evidence of the Vampire: Roman Spring (Volume 2)
  • Author: Brette O’Connell
  • Genre: Fiction, Vampires
  • Length: 402 pages
  • Publication Date: June 25, 2017


Evidence of the Vampire cover

EVIDENCE OF THE VAMPIRE: ROMAN SPRING continues the saga of CSI Sarah Baker and Father Patrick Martin. Sarah has followed Patrick to the International Association of Exorcists in Rome to train as a vampire hunter. Her studies are interrupted when Detective Roberto Parise of the Polizia di Stato and Vatican gendarme Captain Marco Mancini ask her and Patrick to help investigate a gruesome quadruple murder that has all the hallmarks of a vampire killing. The evidence leads them to a surprising suspect—a vampire Sarah and Patrick thought had been destroyed.

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About The Author

Brette O'Connell pic

Brette O’Connell lives in beautiful Northern Nevada.

Ms. O’Connell’s short stories and poetry have been published in “Chamber Cameos” and “Mask: Tales from the Underground 2.”

Her children’s book “Wishes and Wings” has received five-star reviews. Her first novel, a crime/forensics/romance entitled “The Measure of a Man,” has also been quite well received.

“Changing Terms” is a sweet May-December romance with a twist.

“Evidence of the Vampire,” a crime/forensics/paranormal thriller, will keep the reader’s interest until the very last page. It won BRONZE in the 2016 National Literary Habitat Book Awards.

“Evidence of the Vampire: Roman Spring” is the second volume in the “Evidence of the Vampire” trilogy.

Ms. O’Connell holds a degree in Administration of Justice/Forensic Science Technology and is a member of the American Criminal Justice Association. One of her crime scene diagrams was published in “Crime Scene Investigation: The Forensic Technician’s Field Manual.”

In her free time, Ms. O’Connell enjoys keeping up with her friends around the world via social media, going to the theatre, attending lectures, and seeing the latest movies.

Contact The Author

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Evidence of the Vampire - WritersPayItForward

The saga of CSI Sarah Baker and Father Patrick Martin continues. Sarah has followed Patrick to the International Association of Exorcists in Rome to train as a vampire hunter. Her studies are interrupted when Detective Roberto Parise of the Polizia di Stato and Vatican gendarme Captain Marco Mancini ask her and Patrick to help investigate a gruesome quadruple murder that has all the hallmarks of a vampire killing.

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