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Lack of Sufficient SLEEP MATTERS

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  • Title: Lack of Sufficient SLEEP MATTERS: Decode the Root Cause of Your Illness: “Doctor, why am I sick?”
  • Authors: Roger Washington
  • Genre: Health
  • Length: 221 pages
  • Publication Date: June 26, 2016

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Lack of Sufficient SLEEP MATTERS – Roger W. Washington, MD

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In his revolutionary book, “Lack of Sufficient SLEEP MATTERS,” Dr. Roger Washington helps you unravel the single most common cause of your illness. Why are so many people “sick and tired” so much of the time? In 30 years of practice and patient research, Roger Washington, M.D. pinpointed the most common, but overlooked, cause: borrowing energy to meet our life’s challenges and not replenishing it. Instead of maintaining a healthy balance of activity and sleep along the way, we build up a sleep debt as we push ourselves to accelerate. Dr. Washington also discovered the most likely, yet unnoticed, timing of our illness: it strikes just when we allow ourselves to slow down after accomplishing tasks with extreme acceleration — not when we are pushing ourselves.

More than stress, germs or genetics, lack of sufficient deep sleep is the elephant in the room of modern medicine. We make our own selves vulnerable to a whole host of illnesses when we trade away quality sleep to do more, treating sleep as a luxury rather than an essential ingredient that must be replenished for good health, Dr. Washington explains in his book “Lack of Sufficient SLEEP MATTERS.”

“Essentially, we’re a nation of sleep-indebted Energy Borrowers, borrowing energy from our defense systems to meet our challenges and to cope with our stresses in life,” says Dr. Washington, a Stanford Medical School graduate and Academy of Family Physicians Fellow. “Our relationship to sleep has become so unnatural, we don’t readily see how we are destroying our own defenses, virtually making our own selves sick by accelerating without balancing our need for rejuvenating sleep.”

The good news is we have the power to change. When we can clearly see our sleep-resistant behaviors and understand the role they play in our ‘crash and burn’ cycles of illness, we can alter our relationship with sleep and tap into its rejuvenating power to prevent illness.

“Recognizing how and when we’re devaluing sleep, then learning to appreciate and balance sleep, opens he door to regaining the ability to sleep well, which may be the most powerful medicinal and preventative yet discovered,” Dr. Washington says.

In his book, Dr. Washington details his groundbreaking theory, the Washington Lack of Sufficient Sleep (LOSS) Principle, which basically states that the potential for illness is proportional to the sacrifice of sleep for activity and usually occurs when activity slows down. He noticed this cycle of illness while working as a family practitioner in California’s Silicon Valley, where sacrificing sleep is the norm. He developed acronyms for ACCELERATED, CRASHED and BURNED, as it became most apparent that his Silicon Valley patients, who all epitomize the American ‘can do’ culture, became ill (burned), now when they were most stressed, but paradoxically, when they slowed down (crashed) and then allowed themselves to stop pushing (accelerated).

Moreover, Dr. Washington began to see casual relationships between his patients’ sleep debt and their illnesses and was astonished to discover the root cause was consistent across the wide range of illnesses: lack of sufficient sleep.

It is pretty common knowledge, when we accelerate our activities without sleeping enough, we get worn down and more irritable and vulnerable to cold, for example. However, Dr. Washington discovered the damage from the lack of sufficient sleet (LOSS) goes way beyond.

In his book, he details how LOSS sets us up for a failed immunological response, which leads to infections, rheumatological disease and cancers; triggers our survival reflex which the body mediates with insulin resistance causing diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension and stroke; taxes our central nervous system resulting in diseases such as seizures, migraine, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and depression.

Take his ‘Sick Questions’ to decode your own illness cycle, prevent illness and restore your balance.

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About the Author

Roger Washington pic

A Stanford Medical School graduate and Academy of Family Physicians Fellow, Roger W. Washington MD, has answered the question “Doctor, Why Am I Sick” for 30 years. In his first book, Lack of Sufficient SLEEP MATTERS: Decode The Root Cause of Your Illness, Dr. Washington demystifies the cause of illness he discovered in California’s Silicon Valley, where sacrificing sleep is the norm. Son of a nurse and hospital attendant, and a father to teenagers Jared and Maya, Dr. Washington chose the all-encompassing medical training of a family practitioner to become a more effective healer as well as to realize his passion for teaching the principles of illness prevention.

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Lack of Sufficient SLEEP MATTERS - WritersPayItForward

In his revolutionary book, “Lack of Sufficient SLEEP MATTERS,” Dr. Roger Washington helps you unravel the single most common cause of your illness. Why are so many people “sick and tired” so much of the time? In 30 years of practice and patient research, Roger Washington, M.D. pinpointed the most common, but overlooked, cause: borrowing energy to meet our life’s challenges and not replenishing it.

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