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Love Is the Answer, God Is the Cure

A True Love

  • Title: Love Is the Answer, God Is the Cure: What Happened with Aimee from “the Case from Hell”?
  • Authors: Aimee Cabo Nikolov
  • Genre: NonFiction, Child Abuse, Christian Inspirational, Love, Romance
  • Length: 154 pages
  • Publisher: Inspirational Books Publishing
  • Publication Date: September 20, 2018

Love Is the Answer, God Is the Cure – Synopsis

I Want True Love

“Love is the Answer, God is the Cure” is the story of Aimee Cabo, who was in the Miami news for almost five years from 1989 to 1994 in a case the media named “The Case from Hell.” This sexual abuse case pitted her and her sister against her parents who denied all culpability. As she fought court battles, poverty, abuse, and addiction, Aimee always turned to love and to God. Another near tragedy struck when her daughter was almost murdered by a tenant she found in Craig’s list. This is the story of a woman who had all the odds against her and how she persevered to find true love and form a family that could withstand anything.

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About the Author

Aimee Cabo Nikolov

Aimee Cabo Nikolov is a Cuban American who has lived most of her life in Miami. She is a trained nurse and the president and owner of IMIC, Inc, a medical research company in Palmetto Bay. She lives with her husband, Dr. Boris Nikolov, and her three children, Danielle, Sean and Michelle. This is her first book.

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Love Is the Answer, God Is the Cure - WritersPayItForward

“Love is the Answer, God is the Cure” is the story of Aimee Cabo, who was in the Miami news for almost five years from 1989 to 1994 in a case the media named “The Case from Hell.” This sexual abuse case pitted her and her sister against her parents who denied all culpability.

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