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Murder in the Atchafalaya

Murder In The Atchafalaya - kidnapped agent fighting for her life

  • Title: Murder In The Atchafalaya (Hawk Theriot & Kristi Blocker Mysteries Book 1)
  • Author: Jim Riley
  • Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Suspense, Crime
  • Length: 480 pages
  • Publisher: Next Chapter
  • Publication Date: September 29, 2020

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Murder In The Atchafalaya – Synopsis

Murder In The Atchafalaya - kidnapped agent find missing coworkers

Brand-new treasury agent Kristi Blocker is tasked to find two missing coworkers in the vast Atchafalaya Basin: a swamp larger than Rhode Island.

But after Kristi herself gets kidnapped, things get complicated. Fighting for her life, she escapes to the depths of the swamp. Meanwhile, the Sheriff of St. Mary Parish asks Hawk Theriot – the swamp ranger – to find Kristi. The only federal warden in the Atchafalaya, he knows the area like the back of his hand.

With corrupt cops, private investigators and federal agents all having their own spoon in the same gumbo, can Kristi and Hawk figure out what happened in the swamp, and bring those responsible to justice?

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About The Author

Murder In The Atchafalaya - corrupt cops private investigators justice

J​​​​​​​​​​im Riley was born on the banks of the Cane River in Natchitoches, LA, the heart of the southern cotton patch. Growing up in this rural setting developed the love and passion he has for the outdoors and for the wildlife he hunted.

After graduation from Louisiana State University with a degree in Industrial Engineering, Jim worked in the oilfield for more than twenty years. Now he is happy at home with his wife.

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Murder in the Atchafalaya - WritersPayItForward

Murder in the Atchafalaya: Brand-new treasury agent Kristi Blocker is tasked to find two missing coworkers in the vast Atchafalaya Basin

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