Book Details
- Title: My Rhyme to Share
- Author: Antoni Muldoon
- Genre: Poetry
- Length: 90 pages
- Publication Date: March 28, 2016
Video Presentation
My Rhyme to Share
I have known Toni Muldoon for over 40 years and in that time I have discovered that beneath his flash, extrovert and sometimes very bossy manner, a caring, sincere loving man lives. In my opinion he wasted a lot of his life in his pursuit of money, that he never really needed or wanted. In fact his greatest pleasure was in giving it away. After spending over four years incarcerated in various prisons across the UK and Spain, he has finally seen the light. He has finally realised that he has a family and a better life waiting for him outside.
I have read all of his poems many times and although they are not all classics, they are all from the heart. Some made me laugh, some made me cry but they all touched me in some way. Hopefully they will do the same for you. You can actually feel, reading the poems, his state of mind as he sat in his cell writing them. They genuinely reflect his state of mind at the various stages of his imprisonment.
His autobiography “My Time to Share” is in its final stages and should be available soon, I have read it and I really sincerely enjoyed it. A colourful man who just needed direction and I believe that even though he is now approaching his 70th birthday, he has finally found the right path to follow. He is passionate about rehabilitation for prisoners and feels that not enough is being done, so he is going to give half of any money this book earns to charities dedicated to prisoner reform and the same with his autobiography when it is published.
~ Michael Joyce
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About the Author
Antoni Muldoon is a 70 years old who has spent most of his life conning people. Antoni has just completed an eight year prison sentence and has discovered that he didn’t like myself very much. He realised that making money from vulnerable people was not a clever thing to do. Antoni had decided that on his release from Prison he would try to atone for all his past mistakes and spend the time he has left helping people avoid getting scammed by people like himself.
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My Rhyme to Share - WritersPayItForward
After spending over four years incarcerated he has finally seen the light. He has finally realized that he has a family and a better life waiting for him outside.