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Raising Nathan

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  • Title: Raising Nathan: Every life has a Story
  • Authors: Christine Staple-Ebanks
  • Genre: Parenting, Childhood Disabilities, Special Needs
  • Length: 366 pages
  • Publication Date: January 4, 2016

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Raising Nathan cover

Raising Nathan is the heartfelt story of the struggle faced by Jamaican parents on discovering that their son would be born with a major disability – and a prognosis that he would not survive childhood. Written by Nathan’s Mom in a conversational, down-to-earth style, it recounts the enormous challenge of coming to terms with his special needs, and details the journey that has bound his family together – growing their faith and inspiring courage.

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About the Author

Christine Staple-Ebanks pic

Christine Staple-Ebanks is the parent of four children. She is the founder and president of the Nathan Ebanks Foundation (www.nefjamaica.org) in Jamaica; co-founder and executive director of the Nathan Ebanks Children Advocacy Group Inc., a 501 c 3 organization with registered offices in New York, USA.

An active effective parenting advocate for many years, Christine entered disabilities advocacy in 2004, following the birth of, and diagnosis of her fourth child Nathan, with cerebral palsy at the age of 9 months. Christine has lived first hand the experience of parenting a child with disabilities in Jamaica, and has tested and proven that in raising any child, but in particular one with special needs that “it does take a village”.

Often referred to as one of Jamaica’s most passionate social entrepreneurs, this St. Andrew High School for Girls Alumnus was recognized as a distinguished 2016 Trailblazer for her work as the Founder of the Nathan Ebanks Foundation, and her contributions to the parenting, education and disability landscape in Jamaica. She was one of the 2017 recipients of the WHEREITZAT Magazine and Caribbean American Leadership Foundation Inc. Business Innovators & Game-Changers (B.I.G) Trailblazer Award in New York (June 2017).

Being an integral stakeholder in the education and disability sectors in Jamaica, she has over the years served on various boards and committees including the National Parenting Support Commission working group, Education and Disability stakeholder groups, and the National Disability Advisory Board (2010-2013).

Always an impassioned communicator, Christine is the author of “Raising Nathan: Every Life Has A Story”, which takes her readers on an intimate journey into her life and gives voice, story and power to families of children with disabilities everywhere.

Christine is married to her best friend Robert for over 20 years, and they live with their four children in Kingston, Jamaica.

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Raising Nathan - WritersPayItForward

Raising Nathan is the heartfelt story of the struggle faced by Jamaican parents on discovering that their son would be born with a major disability – and a prognosis that he would not survive childhood.

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