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  • Title: Severed: A Novel
  • Author: VL Towler
  • Genre: Suspense, Mystery, Thriller
  • Length: 358 pages
  • Publisher: Inimitable Press
  • Publication Date: December 14, 2015

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Severed: A Novel

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The Louisiana parish of Nakadee, a typical town of Creoles, Cajuns, Blacks, and Whites, is more interested in its annual Hot Sauce Festival than in the lives of two eccentric celebrity writers living in the “Hollykook” house. Dr. Lula Logan, a Northerner teaching forensic anthropology at the local university—and researching the stories buried in the graves of local slaves—is reluctantly drawn into an investigation by her ex-boyfriend, a detective, regarding a severed finger left at the Police Department. As the investigation expands, she is caught up in a romantic tug-of-war with an enigmatic U.S. Congressman who turns her liberal worldview upside down. She is also thrust into the lives of the town’s colorful suspects, including a head-turning Confederate-sympathizing college student, a precocious wanna-be- rapper, and a scholarly handyman.

Everybody is connected in Nakadee, which leads to intriguing alliances among the rich, not so rich, and those on their way to being important. When the crimes become a murder investigation, Lula discovers that small towns like Nakadee are not always what they seem, and sometimes hide very big secrets.

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About the Author

VL Towler is a multi-lingual attorney who received a Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and after law school joined the U.S. Department of Justice as an Honor Grad.

While at the Department of Justice, Towler was selected by Attorney General Janet Reno as an Atlantic Fellow in Public Policy, conducting research at the University of London Institute of Advanced Legal Studies on Nigerian organized crime.

Described by BookViral as “Vibrant, compelling and an intriguing journey that challenges racial and cultural stereotypes” Towler’s first novel has been critically well received. The novel placed in the Finals in First Fiction category in the Phillis Wheatley Book Awards at the Harlem Book Fair, a nation-wide competition juried by librarians.

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Severed - WritersPayItForward

The Louisiana parish of Nakadee, a typical town of Creoles, Cajuns, Blacks, and Whites, is more interested in its annual Hot Sauce Festival than in the lives of two eccentric celebrity writers living in the “Hollykook” house.

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