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Shine: Why Don’t Moon Fairy and Sun Prince Live Together?

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  • Title: Shine: Why Don’t Moon Fairy and Sun Prince Live Together?: A story of
    unconditional love for the children of separated or divorced parents
  • Author: Mrs. Polona Kisovec
  • Genre: Marriage, Divorce, Family Relationships, Parenting, Nonfiction, children’s book
  • Length: 43 pages
  • Publication Date: September 14, 2017

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Shine: Why Don’t Moon Fairy and Sun Prince Live Together?

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How to explain divorce to a child?

A unique fictional story that explains divorce and separation to children and can be used as a guiding tool for all members of the family.

If you want to raise happy children after divorce this children’s book is a must have and suitable for all children aged 4 upwards. The fairy tale about two beings and their little Star is accompanied with engaging illustrations and a storyline which explains that separation is easier when two people can no longer live happily together and acknowledge that it isn’t, and never was, the child’s fault. The book explains that a child should never feel guilty and know that he or she is truly loved.

Why you should read this book with your child?

The text and storyline answers the very tough question of “why don’t mummy and daddy live together?” and provide a tool to engage discussion between parent and child, but can also be read by relatives, caters and friends of all ages. The storyline captures the happy times and gently explains that sometimes love wanes and people need to be apart in order to be happy but that it is never the fault of the child.

“Why don’t Moon Fairy and Sun Prince live together?” is a magical fairytale that will help children realise they can shine in spite of difficulties that life throws at them, that they are unique and loved by both parents, and that this joined love for will go on regardless of the lost love between their parents.

Why did the author write this book?

The storyline of this lovely tale was born from a 7-year-old daughter’s question to her mother: why do you and Daddy no longer live together? The author wanted to spare her the unnecessary details of their divorce and separation, or whose fault it was and why. So she created a fictional story about Sun Prince and the Moon Fairy. This was the beginning of magical fairy tale of two beings with their unique own light and love, but which could not overcome obstacles except for the combined eternal love they shared for their star, their child.

The book has been applauded by parents, literary experts and child therapists.

Buy Links

Amazon US (Paperback) | Amazon US (Kindle)

About The Author

Mrs. Polona Kisovec pic

Polona Kisovec is a successful businesswoman who runs her own marketing agency in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Having always had a passion for words and writing she created the Moon Fairy & Sun Prince story to reassure her daughter that the love of her parents would never wane despite their separation and divorce. Following an original print run of 1,000 limited edition copies Slovenia, the book has now been translated and produced as a paperback and Kindle edition for international release under her own brand, Woustar (Woustar.com).

Polona Kisovec wants to help others, no matter their situation, to stay true to themselves, to create balance for themselves and their children, and to enable their children to shine in happiness.

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Shine: Why Don't Moon Fairy and Sun Prince Live Together? - WritersPayItForward

A unique fictional story that explains divorce and separation to children and can be used as a guiding tool for all members of the family. If you want to raise happy children after divorce this children’s book is a must have and suitable for all children aged 4 upwards.

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