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Singing in Silence

best thriller novels

  • Title: Singing in Silence
  • Authors: Karen Clark
  • Genre: Historical, Paranormal, Thriller
  • Length: 418 pages
  • Publication Date: June 29, 2017

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Singing in Silence

Singing in Silence – Synopsis

epic journey

Singing in Silence is a Historical Spiritual Thriller:

Gather the women, the ghostly vision told Stella and Maggie.

Best friends since the Summer of Love, now both going through the Change—hormonally and personally. One divorced, one widowed—both unknowingly part of a plan destined 500 years ago. Thrust into a world where there are no accidents; everything is connected.

A seemingly random series of events: a secret told to children during WWI, 2012, a sacred doll—and a French priest and his mother with connections to Chartres Cathedral. Soon the two are on an epic journey starting in San Francisco to France and ending in the land of goddesses in Turkey.

But there are those that can’t let the women gather. GA7, a private military firm, and the Catholic Church are soon waging a quantum war to make sure the Elites stay in power.

Singing in Silence is a page-turner brimming with history, sisterhood, fashion and a return to a culture of peace.


A fascinating story of historical fiction, a spiritual thriller you won’t want to put down! The middle-aged heroines, Stella and Maggie, take you on a wild ride– one that is filled intriguing elements of history and fashion, culminating in a collective worldwide sisterhood movement towards global peace. This book is jam packed with substance- historical facts, the supernatural, suspense, action, and raw emotion; all the while hanging on to hope and the power of love.

Sharing this book today, written by fellow goddess and friend, @karenclark6982 — a remarkably talented woman who has worn many hats in her life, who has experienced extreme suffering and obstacles, and has overcome with the energy and resilience of a warrior!! 🔱.

Karen is a history buff and an expert in all things fashion. She has taken these tools to weave an intriguing, thrilling tale where middle aged, menopausal women are the protagonists, armed with a wealth of experience and wisdom, they unknowingly set out to slay some serious dragons!!

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About the Author

Karen Clark pic

Karen Clark is a true Renaissance woman with a vast career as an Italian-trained fashion designer, litigation paralegal, carpenter and wood floor mechanic to concert promoter, personal historian, landscape designer and IT/Word Processor at the ad agency that brought you the Pet Rock, just to name a few of her adventures. Like most midlife women who have gone through the “Change,” she now spends her time on artistic activities such as writing and spending time with her grandchildren—and yelling at politicians on television.

Singing in Silence is her debut novel. Her next book is NestQuest, her memoir of the twelve years it took to write this historical novel while suffering a brain injury from workplace bullying which led to homelessness at age sixty and her continuing quest to find a home. Her journey led to wanting to know more about the history of her brave ancestor’s quest for a home in America, culminating in driving herself through England, Ireland and Scotland in 2015. That journey revealed Mayflower ancestors, including the pilot of that famous voyage and her ten-times great grandmother who was one of the original Separatists and the aunt of Plymouth Governor William Bradford.

She has learned to Trust the Journey.

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Singing in Silence - WritersPayItForward

Singing in Silence is a Historical Spiritual Thriller: Gather the women, the ghostly vision told Stella and Maggie. Best friends since the Summer of Love, now both going through the Change—hormonally and personally. One divorced, one widowed—both unknowingly part of a plan destined 500 years ago. Thrust into a world where there are no accidents; everything is connected.

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