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The Lazy Dragon and the Bumblespells Wizard

The Lazy Dragon and the Bumblespells Wizard banner

  • Title: The Lazy Dragon and the Bumblespells Wizard
  • Authors: Kath Boyd Marsh
  • Genre: Action, Adventure, Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Myths
  • Length: 293 pages
  • Publisher: CBAY Books
  • Publication Date: October 1, 2016


The Lazy Dragon and the Bumblespells Wizard cover

Can two misfits help each other? For Cl’rnce, a perfect day would involve a nap, another nap, followed by dinner, and a nap. So what if he’s the only dr’gon his age without a wizard partner or the inclination to fly? That sounds like work, and Cl’rnce is opposed to all forms of work. Moire Ain has never known anything except miserable, soul-crushing work. She has lived her whole life as a virtual slave to the evil Hedge-Witch. When Moire Ain overhears Hedge-Witch plot to have Moire Ain kill a king, the girl runs away with only a magic book, her pet raven, and a dream of someday becoming a Great and Mighty Wizard. Moire Ain hasn’t been gone a full day when she stumbles across an irritated Cl’rnce. Grudgingly, Cl’rnce has accepted a quest, and he now finds himself footsore, hungry, and trapped in a tree by a dr’gon- slaying knight. With nothing more than some bumbled spells and a helpful raven, the two set out to complete Cl’rnce’s quest and, just maybe, save a king.

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About the Author

Kath Boyd Marsh pic

Kath Boyd Marsh: At seven years old Kath self-published her first fantasy on lined notebook paper, stapled together by her grandfather, and starring a creature based on her little sister- the ‘PB.’ Before Kath moved to Richmond, KY to write about dragons, wizards, and other fantastic creatures, she lived in seven states, Panama, and one very haunted house. The Lazy Dr’gon and the Bumblespells Wizard is her first novel. She has also published two Bubbles and Smush short ebooks. The sequel to The Lazy Dragon. Dragon Bonded, is due to release this fall 2018.

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The Lazy Dragon and the Bumblespells Wizard - WritersPayItForward

Can two misfits help each other? For Cl’rnce, a perfect day would involve a nap, another nap, followed by dinner, and a nap. So what if he’s the only dr’gon his age without a wizard partner or the inclination to fly? That sounds like work, and Cl’rnce is opposed to all forms of work. Moire Ain has never known anything except miserable, soul-crushing work. She has lived her whole life as a virtual slave to the evil Hedge-Witch.

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