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The Workplace Writer’s Process by Anne Janzer

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Book Details

  • Title: The Workplace Writer’s Process: A Guide to Getting the Job Done
  • Author: Anne H. Janzer
  • Genre: Nonfiction, Writing, Business Writing
  • Length: 170 pages
  • Publisher: Cuesta Park Consulting
  • Publication Date: July 18, 2017

 The Workplace Writer’s Process:
A Guide to Getting the Job Done
Anne H. Janzer

The Workplace Writers Process - Anne Janzer

Book Review
By M.C. Simon


It was a kind of an extremely lucky day, the day I’ve met Anne Janzer on Slack.

The luck was revealed to me in three steps.

First, her comments grabbed my attention.

Second, I checked her website.

And, the third step was… evidently… reading her book.

I had no choice.

Being a writer myself, the genre her books belongs to hooked me instantly.

In fact, let’s admit that it was not only the genre but “The Workplace Writer’s Process” title was “guilty as charged” for the mentioned hook.

If you add to it “A Guide to Getting the Job Done,” obviously you now have the whole picture.

Now… just in case… but only just in case that you still don’t get the reason why Anne’s book hooked me so tightly… let me tell you more.

The fact is, after several years of arguing inside my head if and when to quit my daily engineering job… just recently I decided to combine it with my writing skills.

Therefore, you can now imagine how this book is more than valuable to me.

If you ask me, Anne Janzer’s book is that kind of tool that you should always have close at hand.

A tool and a guide.

This extremely helpful guide is easy to follow and concise.

If you ever wondered what the term “effective writing” means, my advice for you is to read this book.

Indeed it is a great example of effective writing.

What would happen to your career if you did more writing, creating content that consistently fulfills its objectives? What if you could complete this work efficiently, without doing less of the other projects you are paid to do? Would you become more valuable in your organization and visible in the world beyond? ~ Anne Janzer

Well… who would not love this? I surely do.

You may not consider yourself a writer. One friend of mine with an engineering background has worked as a technical writer for many years. She tells me, “I’m not a writer writer.” If writing is any part of your job and you are paid to put thoughts into words, you’re a writer. ~ Anne Janzer

Yup! I am an engineer, too.

And, I completely agree with the author.

If you ever doubt whether you are a writer or not… you should grab Anne Janzer’s book now.

She’s gifted to be able to explain all so very well.

There are many things included in the book, things which gained my appreciation.

One of them, is a very interesting and original classification for writers.

Of course, during so many years spent on this planet, I’ve read many classifications.

For everything. Writers included.

But nothing such as this author’s point of view.

Not only interesting but useful, too.

Finding your type there, it’s a big gain for deciding what your next step should be.

This well-written book is filled with actionable advice, from planning a writing project, reviewing, interruptions, priorities, and so much more.

If your job is somehow related to writing too, the value this book gives you is tremendous.

  • From myths of writing in the workplace to what the writing job really means…
  • From project planning to describing the writing process itself…
  • Fom revisions to reviews…
  • From psychological concepts that are useful for writers to approvals that can get you being stuck…

From and to all the above, the book provides you all the necessary details to make your working life easier.

Moreover, if after checking all this valuable information you still think (even if I doubt it) that you need more… well… your worries can go away.

Because, not only is the book designed so that you can choose the sections that best fit your situation,


it also includes a resource section where the checklists and the guides give you the tools you need for your success.

From beginner writers to the most advanced ones, everyone will benefit.

The Workplace Writer’s Process: A Guide to Getting the Job Done” is an essential reading for anyone who is involved in the process of writing for business purposes.

To conclude…

Even if I’ve been a writer for some time and thought that I’ve read it all, I must admit that… finally,

I received a secret weapon… writing rules that no one teaches you.

For this and not only…

Thank you Author Anne H. Janzer!


“Writing matters, more than ever” like you say.


Five Star from MC Simon, The Writers Pay It Forward’s reviewer.

five stars book review

The Workplace Writer’s Process by Anne Janzer – Synopsis

The Workplace Writers Process - Anne Janzer

The Secrets of Business Writing Success

If writing is any part of your job, you owe it to yourself to figure out how to get it done consistently, efficiently, and successfully.

This book covers the business communication skills no one teaches you in writing class:

  • What the “curse of knowledge” is and how to avoid it
  • How to streamline collaboration with simple checklists
  • Why the style guide is your friend, and how to create one for your business
  • The most efficient way to approach revision
  • How to set up review and approval processes for success

Use the practical strategies in this book to finish more projects in less time, creating content that serves your business and advances your career.

Buy Links

Amazon US (Kindle) | Amazon US (Paperback)

About the Author

Anne Janzer pic

Anne Janzer is an author and nonfiction writing coach.

She has worked with over a hundred technology businesses, from industry giants to innovative start-ups, helping them articulate positioning and messaging in crowded markets.

As a ghost-writer for corporate executives, her work has appeared in dozens of industry publications and blogs, including Wired.com and the Sand Hill blog. In her own name, she contributes to numerous industry and corporate blogs.

Anne wrote Subscription Marketing: Strategies for Nurturing Customers in a World of Churn to help marketers manage the disruptions of the subscription economy. That book is now in its second edition, and has been translated into Japanese.

The Writer’s Process: Getting Your Brain in Gear combines the lessons of a writing career with the teachings of cognitive science to uncover the secrets of writing productivity. The Workplace Writer’s Process shares the secrets to setting yourself up for success when writing in an organization, based on lessons learned in the field.

Anne is a graduate of Stanford University.

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The Workplace Writer's Process by Anne Janzer - WritersPayItForward

The Workplace Writer's Process: Unlock Secrets of Business Writing Success. Master the skills for consistent, efficient, and successful communication.

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