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VIP Room Service

A hotel erotica tale hot enough to set the screen on fire.

VIP Room Service

She offers satisfaction above and beyond what is requested.

Lexie’s job as a maid at a five-star hotel doesn’t normally include the unique and risqué form of room service that rich guest Mr. Malena has requested, nor the generous tip he’s offered. Submission and exhibition and a ménage. Lexie can’t resist. What should have been a one-time thing turns into an introduction into the sensual world of customer satisfaction. This is one workplace encounter that could get her fired…or will it?

NOTE: Title previously published as Wine Service (Professional Courtesy 1).

Book Details

  • Title: VIP Room Service
  • Series: Other Related Duties #1
  • Author: Zenobia Renquist
  • Genre: Contemporary BDSM Erotica, MFM, Exhibitionism/Voyeurism
  • Publication Date: July 14, 2015
  • Length: Novella – 37K (approx. 83 pages)
  • Publisher: DZRB Books
  • ISBN: 9781634750004 (ASIN B00V8RE64K)


VIP Room Service

She drew in a long gasping breath and then choked on it as someone knocked at the door.

“Room service.”

She widened her eyes, and her pleasure dropped to nil.

“Ah. Right on time.” Mr. Malena dialed off the vibrator, removed it, and set it aside. He called, “One moment.”

“What?” Lexie asked in a frantic whisper. She clutched at the comforter, debating if she should hide in the bathroom or under the bed. Had the server heard her? Had he recognized her voice?

She looked at her uniform draped over the back of the chair. He would know a housekeeper was with Mr. Malena. A housekeeper who was undressed with a wide variety of toys out in the open. No deductive reasoning was needed to figure out what was happening or who the housekeeper was.

Mr. Malena patted her belly. “Shhhh.” He held his finger to his lips. “Just relax.”

“I can’t relax,” Lexie whispered back. “He’ll see me.”

“No, he won’t.” He grinned. “Not your face, at any rate.” He urged her to lie back before draping a towel over her head. “There.”


“Shhhh. You don’t want him to recognize your voice, if you know him. So long as you stay still, he won’t see your face.”

“What about the rest of me? What about my uniform? And the cart outside?” Lexie could see her job ending. She should have known this was too good to be true.

“I’ll take care of it. Now hush.”

Clothing rustled. Lexie peeked under the towel in time to see Mr. Malena fold her uniform into one of the dresser drawers and close it. He slipped on a robe and then glanced back at her. She yanked the towel back down. She wanted to roll herself in the comforter. Wanted to and didn’t at the same time.

She only had to keep her face covered, and the server wouldn’t know who she was. The idea of letting a virtual stranger see her naked titillated her. Her clit throbbed and ached to be touched. She clutched at the towel and waited.

Mr. Malena opened the door. “Thank you, my good man. I am famished. This way.”

Lexie frowned. When had he ordered room service? Had he done it before she arrived and known it would get here while they were playing? He did seem less flustered by this turn of events than she was, as if he’d planned it.

The server asked, “Where do you want— Whoa!”

A long pause followed that exclamation. The server had seen her.

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What’s Your Favorite Cliché?
By Zenobia Renquist

They are everywhere and we’ve all seen them. Clichés. They are called such because they are everywhere. There’s a thin line—and sometimes no line at all—between a trope and a cliché. Tropes are tried and true, while clichés are played out and old. Or are they?

Take, for instance, Romance clichés. Beauty and the Beast comes to mind first. Now most would argue this is a trope and it is to a certain extent. But this is where that thin line comes in. Do a random search on any book retailer and you will find a Beauty and the Beast story. They are everywhere and in every sub-genre of Romance. Tons of them. To the point of making them cliché. I don’t care how many times I read or write a Beauty and the Beast story, I’m always ready to read/write another. The premise is known—beautiful woman gets a less than beautiful (both in personality and looks) man to stop being a grumpy ass and realize he is in love and loved in return.

Or how about a SciFi cliché—aliens traveling billions of light years to loot Earth. How many books/movies have had that little gem? But we still read/watch them, right? Why?
Because we want to see what kinds of aliens are presented. We want to know what they are looting from Earth and how the governments of Earth handle the situation. Do the people of Earth overcome or get beaten for a future where humans are extinct or slaves to their new alien overlords?

Sometimes a cliché doesn’t have to be immediate cause for dismissal. It’s all in the way the subject material is handled and presented. So I present to you my cliché—VIP Room Service (Other Related Duties #1)—on sale for 99¢ (regularly $2.99) until 26 Sep. This hot Contemporary BDSM Erotica tale features a hotel maid who has just been propositioned by a rich VIP guest. It’s what the guest wants that breathes a little life into this particular cliché…

About the Author

Zenobia Renquist

Zenobia Renquist is the alter-ego of D. Renee Bagby. Call her Zen or Renee, she answers to both. Air Force brat turned Air Force wife, she was born in Europe, has lived in Japan and in several states of the US, including Virginia, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, California, Maryland and Hawaii.

She moved a lot in her younger years and remembers all too well being the new kid in fish-out-of-water situations. But those experiences only made her better able to adapt, as well they gave her a love of travel, preferring road trips over flying.

Turning her favorite pastime into her career, Renee loves to build worlds and torture her characters for the enjoyment of her readers. She can’t fill everyday with writing alone, and also enjoys watching anime, reading manga, crocheting, knitting (yarn and mail), and binging shows on Netflix. She’s a Whovian (David Tennant for the win!), a trekkie (DS9 because Odo rocked), and a fan of pretty much every Marvel live action movie and DCU animated movie.

She has a wacky imagination and tends to write all over the place. In order to keep up, she only asks one thing—Leave Your Reality Behind to Discover Different and Unique Romance & Erotica.

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VIP Room Service - WritersPayItForward

VIP Room Service (Other Related Duties #1) by Zenobia Renquist - A hotel erotica tale hot enough to set the screen on fire. She offers satisfaction above and beyond what is requested.

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