- Title: Since You Brought it Up
- Author: Jim Retzer
- Genre: Politics, Social Sciences, Government
- Length: 174 pages
- Publication Date: July 4, 2020
Since You Brought it Up – Synopsis
Essays on politics, current thought, and not so current but pertinent affairs from an older guy’s perspective. I’ve seen very bad ideas advanced in an accessible, conversational tone. I have a fair education. I can write perfectly annotated papers supporting every point with chapter and verse citations. Having done such a thing, the question becomes: Who the hell would read it? If you waded through one, who would be awake to wade through another? I’m not peddling a sleep aid here and you’re not getting any younger. It occurred to me that good ideas could be presented in those same, accessible, conversational tones and maybe travel a little further. I have tried to be sure any bald statement of a fact can be verified. I’ve also tried to make it obvious that the opinions advanced are just that, opinions. Those are the ideas behind these essays. Breathe and read.
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About the Author
My mind tends to wander and so have I. I’ve lived and worked all over the country and enjoyed most of it. Boise was a bit of a letdown but nice people.
I’ve always returned to Western Pennsylvania because the climate kinda suits my clothes.
I’m an old guy. Not really pushing 70 but leaning up against it pretty hard.
My relationships kinda depend on who ya ask but I’ve enjoyed them. My kids are beautiful, accomplished people.
In this book. I don’t want anyone to change their mind. I’d rather people feel as though now they know why they’ve always thought that way.
I’m essentially lazy. I only write when I enjoy it. I hope you enjoy reading it as much.
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Since You Brought it Up - WritersPayItForward
Since You Brought it Up: Essays on politics, current thought, and not so current but pertinent affairs from an older guy's perspective. I’ve seen very bad