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Starfallen - Finding Love

  • Title: STARFALLEN: ONE STEP INTO NEVER (Tales From the Far Rim Frontier)
  • Author: D. MARTIN
  • Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy
  • Length: 194 pages
  • Publication Date: August 4, 2019

(Tales From the Far Rim Frontier) – Synopsis

Starfallen - Alien Contact Books

In STARFALLEN, Survival and finding love isn’t easy for a vulnerable young woman alone in a Human colony on a distant planet.

Futuristic Romance/ Alien Contact

Corissa Danvins lives alone on Torben’s only Human colony that’s enclosed by an impenetrable force-field placed there by the planet’s mysterious nonhuman overlords. They’re the powerful, unseen First Dwellers. Corissa has survived family upsets, tragedy, and a broken heart. She has a rare talent and thinks it can keep the Alliance government from snatching her landholding. She plans on using her ability to spark life in a mysterious gemstone found only on Torben—until the planet’s overlords, political events beyond her control, and a complex musician friend with a questionable mental condition—all interfere. She’ll need courage to face Torben’s secrets. Doing so might save colonists and help her find love again. MORE….

Corissa Danvns is an courageous young woman fighting to survive on a distant colonized planet. She lives alone and is trying to keep her farm going after her father’s accidental death in a sequestered Human farming settlement colony on Torben. A mysterious force-field barrier of light surrounds the entire colony, set there by the planet’s owners. They’re the powerful first inhabitants and they granted the Alliance government permission to allow a limited number of Humans on Torben. Corissa is slogging through personal heartbreaks aplenty after abandonment by a faithless lover, and then losing her father. Adding to her troubles, she’s fighting the Settlement Board’s bureaucracy for her home and farm won by her family in a government-sponsored land lottery. Corissa hatches a solid plan for reclaiming her home after a surprising rare ability blooms within her to light up a rare gemstone native only to Torben.

However, her perfect solution falls apart when she runs up against two unlikely individuals who might thwart, not only her survival efforts—but also threaten the entire colony. One’s nonhuman bearing alarming news about the settlement. The other is a multitalented, troubled friend from her colony school and academy years…. Someone for whom she bears an unspoken, complicated attraction buried within her heart. Her friend developed a sudden mental breakdown triggered by strange effects from the unknown energy barrier surrounding the colony. His hostility for Torben’s overlords and his delusions forced Corissa to abandon him and seek love elsewhere, leaving her with deep-seated guilt—only to have her newfound romantic-interest betray her. Corissa’s challenges lay in reaching beyond fears of the unknown. Doing so may save her settlement—and help her grasp the future to find elusive love.

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About the Author

Starfallen - Human Farming Settlement Colony

D. Martin likes science and finding out how things work. She was one of those annoying kids, who drove her mom and teachers nuts with continual questions of ‘Why?’. Her career as science researcher gave her the opportunity to play in labs and create some pretty neat stuff–and maybe help mankind. She’s currently chasing a lifelong dream to create futuristic worlds through the magic of stories.

She believes a person can never have too many books. She reads everything, but is fond of science fiction, fantasy, and romance. She once wanted to be an astronomer to find out what’s ‘out there’.

She lives in the Midwest with her husband and daughter, who are both very understanding when she’s off the planet writing.

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In STARFALLEN, Survival and finding love isn’t easy for a vulnerable young woman alone in a Human colony on a distant planet.

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