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The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire

The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire - Fall Of The American Empire

  • Title: The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire
  • Author: Jeff Berwick, Charlie Robinson
  • Genre: Politics, Social Sciences, Government, History
  • Length: 460 pages
  • Publication Date: October 29, 2020

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The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire - What Is The Fate Of America

The American Empire is finished and will soon become another cautionary tale, tossed upon the trash heap of history, and destroyed by the very same societal issues that plagued the many former empires that share similar fates. It did not have to end this way, but when the most devious and ruthless members of a society are tasked with running the system, the outcome can hardly be in dispute. All empires fall, but it is the reason they eventually come apart that is surprisingly similar. The fate of America will not be any different. Like a 47-story steel and concrete building that is covertly slated for demolition, the American Empire was built on a rotten foundation and has been targeted for destruction. The core of the building has been pre-weakened over the decades through government policies, had its support columns identified and rigged with financial detonators, watched society be transformed into a culture incapable of recognizing their impending doom to sound the alarm, and as the plunger is pushed down and the destruction begins, many people will have no idea of what is coming their way until it is too late. Once the debris is cleared away there is hope that a new civilization can be built, but will they make the same mistakes, or can they learn from the past and chart a different course?

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Author Bio

The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire - Controlled Demolition Expert

Hi, I’m Jeff Berwick. My background in the financial markets dates back my founding of Canada’s largest financial website, Stockhouse.com, in 1994. In the late ‘90s the company expanded worldwide into 8 different countries and had 250 employees and a market capitalization of $240 million USD at the peak of the “tech bubble”. To this day more than a million investors use Stockhouse.com for investment information every month.

Since being “red pilled” to the inner workings of the Federal Reserve, I’ve started and run The Dollar Vigilante and The Crypto Vigilante to help investors survive and thrive during and after the collapse of the dollar..

I also run the popular podcast Anarcast and started the world’s largest gathering of voluntarists and free thinkers in the world in the world, Anarchapulco.

And I’m a prominent speaker at many of the world’s freedom, investment, and gold conferences as well as regularly in the media including CNBC, CNN, and Fox Business.

The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire - Impending Doom Sound The Alarm

But this book wasn’t written by me alone. I brought in my good friend Charlie Robinson to help…

Charlie Robinson is the author of “The Octopus of Global Control by Charlie Robinson” which is available in paperback at Amazon & BN.com, and in digital formats at his website, TheOctopusOfGlobalControl.com, as well as being the … being the host of the Macroaggressions podcast on Apple, I Heart Radio, Spotify, YouTube, and Ickonic.com.

He is also the President and Broker of Alter Luxury, a real estate brokerage and interior design firm, and has almost two decades of experience working in Las Vegas real estate.

And that’s not all, the forward’s written by legendary investor Doug Casey is worth more than the price of the book…

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▷📚 The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire

The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire is finished and will soon become another cautionary tale, tossed upon the trash heap of history

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