- Title: The Terrapin: Light: A Historical Fiction (A Sequel)
- Author: BeeKels ArtOrigins
- Genre: Literature, Fiction, Historical Fiction
- Publication Date: October 12, 2020
The Terrapin – Synopsis
“The Terrapin” is the sequel to “Light: A Historical Fiction” illustrating the journey to freedom from slavery and persecution for the Cimarron Family. The journey of freedom starts with a reason to be enslaved. When Tembo and his comrades flee to become a part of the Cimarron band, a new life can become a reality for runaway slaves. This historical fiction explores the narrative of Native Indians in the South Eastern region. Enjoy BeeKels ArtOrigins’ latest publication on Amazon, called “Light: A Historical Fiction“.
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About the Author
Kelsi B. Brooks (BeeKels ArtOrigins) is an Educator who resides in Atlanta, Georgia. She enjoys the performing arts, hiking outdoors, and bonding with animals. As a new author, she writes a historical fiction and a short story about the paranormal. The inner beauty of light is inspiration for BeeKels ArtOrigins. In her books, she seeks to illuminate truths of romance, historical ties to reality’s past, and use fiction as her lamp.
The journey of freedom starts with a reason to be enslaved. When Tembo and his comrades flee to become a part of the Cimarron band, a new life can become a reality for runaway slaves. This historical fiction explores the narrative of Native Indians in the South Eastern region. Enjoy her publication on Amazon, called “Light: A Historical Fiction”.
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The Terrapin - WritersPayItForward
“The Terrapin” is the sequel to “Light: A Historical Fiction” illustrating the journey to freedom from slavery and persecution for the
One Response
Just discovered The Terrapin and I’m absolutely captivated by its premise! The blend of historical intrigue and rich storytelling promises a gripping read. Can’t wait to dive into this book and uncover the mysteries it holds!