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To Feed the Hungry Fish

To Feed the Hungry Fish - Own Their Soul

  • Title: To Feed the Hungry Fish
  • Author: Ye Nyi
  • Genre: Politics & Social Sciences
  • Length: 57 pages
  • Publication Date: June 9, 2019

To Feed the Hungry Fish – Synopsis

To Feed the Hungry Fish - A Better City To Live In

Most of the human beings do not own their soul. Most of us even don’t know about that. The wild nature of us will dominate if we do not control it. In this book, I try to describe the nature of our mind and some of the ways we can train and control it. It will be far from completeness. I just want to fill the small part of it. Our world should be a better place to liven than in current situation if we are wise enough. The discussions in this book do not bond to any religion, belief, faith. I just want to present the different view of the existing world.

Chapter 1: Ten square miles area, discuss about the current setting of our world. I also give the example of the carnivorous fish inside the fish tank which resemble us.
Chapter 2: I will rob your hamburger; discuss the wild nature inside us if we are in certain situation. Our wild nature will not surface until certain condition is met.
Chapter 3: What do we need?; try to explain how sophisticated the human needs are. We demand more than we consume. And discuss about the level of our needs.
Chapter 4: Tricky self; discuss about our mind tricky behavior.
Chapter 5: Is seeing believing?; discuss what we see around are the truth or not. In some cases, we can see the truth only by wisdom eye.
Chapter 6: Vicious cycle; discuss about our wrong doings and actions. Can we escape from that vicious cycle?
Chapter 7: Lion’s way or hyena’s way; try to present what we can do in this cruel world to alleviate others suffering.
Chapter 8: Why should we be intelligent?; discuss about how science and technology help to solve some of the problem and how we should embrace it.
Chapter 9: To tame the elephant; discuss how we to control our inner self? How we should reduce the wild behavior inside us.
Chapter 10: Be a good parasite; discuss what we need to change, how we should act and some insight about ourselves.

The teachings of Buddha will be dominating my thoughts as I was born and raised in Buddhism society. But if the Buddha teachings are ocean, this book only can present a drop of water. Actually, controlling our inner self and desire does not bond to particular religion or philosophy. Every human can adopt the practice easily if he has an open heart. To build a better world, we don’t need to be saints or monk or priest or holy man, the ordinary person like you and me also can act. The world is counting on us.

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About the Author

To Feed the Hungry Fish - Human Needs

Mr. Ye Nyi is an Electronics Engineer staying in Myanmar, South East Asia. He is running a small company in electronics related field. Currently he live in Mandalay City, Upper Myanmar with wife and two girls.

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To Feed the Hungry Fish - WritersPayItForward

Most of the human beings do not own their soul. Most of us even don’t know about that. The wild nature of us will dominate if we do not control it.

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