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Baffled by Love

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Book Details

  • Title: Baffled by Love: Stories of the Lasting Impact of Childhood Trauma Inflicted by Loved Ones
  • Author: Laurie Kahn
  • Genre: Nonfiction / Psychology /Family & Relationships / Dysfunctional Families
  • Length: 249 pages
  • Publisher: Stephanie Barko, Literary Publicist, st*******@st************.com
  • Publication Date: June 6, 2017

Baffled by Love:
Stories of the Lasting Impact of Childhood Trauma Inflicted by Loved Ones
Laurie Kahn

Baffled by Love cover

Book Review
By M.C. Simon

It’ been s a long time since a non-fiction book captured my entire attention so deeply. Around me, there is silence. I look at the book covers which I just closed, and the outside silence almost scratched my ears.

And inside… inside there’s a storm.

The book in front of my eyes had given birth to vivid feelings in me.

I’ve just read a book about LOVE.


Not the type of fairy tale love where they lived happily ever after. It’s a book about corrupt models of love, a book about how love can be killed.

The weight of the author’s words immersed my mind and heart into a new world.

An unfamiliar world.

Unfortunately… a real world.

About the cruel reality.

Filled with frustrations.

Able to stop your breath while reading.

Making you wonder how can a human being exist on such a low spiritual level.

A level filled with traumas, twisted relations and hard to bear feelings.

It is the world of childhood abuse.

“Love is why they come to therapy. Love is what they want, and love, they report, is not going well.”

The book contains true stories which, Laurie Kahn, the author, detailed perfectly.

Not only because, as a therapist, she had access at her client’s traumas.

But also because she’s intertwining her own stories about love gone wrong.

If you want to read a great book about the earthen reality, I strongly recommend you let this author whisper to your heart.

She tells about all those people who should have loved and protected her clients… a father, stepfather, priest, coach, babysitter, aunt, neighbor…

Who are in fact, those who frightened and abused them.

“At times, we are all baffled by love.”

If I could give more than a five-star review, believe me, I would.

Five Star from MC Simon, The Writers Pay It Forward’s reviewer.

five stars book review


Baffled by Love cover

For three decades, Laurie Kahn has treated clients who were abused as children―people who were injured by someone whom they believed to be trustworthy, someone who professed to love them. Their abusers―a father, stepfather, priest, coach, babysitter, aunt, neighbor―often were people who inhabited their daily lives.

Love is why they come to therapy. Love is what they want, and love is what they say is not going well for them.

Kahn, too, had to learn to navigate a wilderness in order to find the “good” kind of love after a rocky childhood. In Baffled by Love, she includes strands from her own story, along with those of her clients, creating a narrative full of resonance, meaning, and shared humanity.

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About the Author

Laurie Kahn

Laurie Kahn MA, LCPC, MFA is a pioneer in the field of trauma treatment. For more than thirty years, she has specialized in the treatment of survivors of childhood abuse. In 1980, she founded Womencare Counseling and Training Center.

Since then, her ideas and expertise have served both people who have experienced childhood abuse and hundreds of clinicians who have graduated from her Trauma Consultation Training Program.

Laurie’s personal essays have been published in anthologies, and her articles and book reviews have appeared in the Journal of Trauma and Dissociation and The Journal of Trauma Practice.

She lives in Evanston, Illinois with her husband, Michael, and her labradoodle, Kali.

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Baffled by Love - WritersPayItForward

For three decades, Laurie Kahn has treated clients who were abused as children―people who were injured by someone whom they believed to be trustworthy, someone who professed to love them. Their abusers―a father, stepfather, priest, coach, babysitter, aunt, neighbor―often were people who inhabited their daily lives.

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