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The Triple Crown of Youth Baseball

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  • Title: The Triple Crown of Youth Baseball: A users guide to becoming a more effective Player,
    Parent, Coach
  • Authors: Joey Anderson
  • Genre: Motivational, Inspirational
  • Length: 69 pages

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The Triple Crown of Youth Baseball

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The Triple Crown of Youth Baseball: A users guide to becoming a more effective player, parent, and coach
Joey Anderson

I admit. I was, I am and I will always be into human feelings.

I was not too much into baseball.

Until now. Clearly, the author, Joey Anderson makes a great job.

The fact is, between the lines, the book is a guide through the human feelings.

Moreover, it’s all about how to handle life. How to become your best.

Without a doubt, many want this. Only few know how to do it. To start with the conclusion of this review, I am sure that if you choose to read this inspirational book you’ll know it, too.

For some reason, the book cover attracted me. So, here I am. Reading about baseball. Youth baseball.

Or… About a guide of becoming more effective.

Written also as a memoire, the book is spiced with childhood stories. Not any kind of sweet childish stories. But…

As a young boy, baseball was an outlet for two hours that allowed me to escape everything else in my life that was circling around me like a shark. It enabled me to interact with my friends, stay out of trouble, and stay physically fit. It also allowed my personality to change from a shy, introverted kid in middle school who wouldn’t interact with others, to the social, ambitious, energetic person I have become today. I was inspired to write this book to help others avoid mistakes and improve their overall experiences.

The author at the same time addresses children, parents and coaches. He really does a good job as he found himself inside those three categories’ shoes during his life and he absorbed some of the most valuable lessons of his life on the baseball field. Throughout the book, Joey Anderson recommends ways to maximize the child’s potential as a player by increasing his overall Mental Focus, Ambition, and Physical Abilities levels. The Triple Crown is a guide to help parents navigate the journey and challenges their child may face as a player. Triple Crown is a user’s guide for beginning, intermediate, and even “seasoned veteran” coaches.

Like the Triple Crown award, I believe that there are three main components to youth baseball: players, parents, and coaches. When all three pieces come together and support one another you truly have something special.

If you are lucky enough to read the book you will find yourself learning about the importance of hard work and what it takes to be a competitor, about failure, and how to respond with resilience, grit, and an attitude that fuels a determination to succeed.

Somehow, there were several moments when the book reminded me of Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. Or, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, which was one of my favorite childhood stories.

The author, Joey Anderson, uses a very interesting combination of inspirational stories about life and practical advice for baseball aspirant players, parents and coaches. Moreover, I am absolutely certain that it’s not only for them.

This book has been full of ideas and suggestions about how to make youth baseball a positive experience for your children.

I add now: this book is not only this, but it is full with ideas and suggestions (between the lines or visible) on how to be a perfect parent and how to raise a confident and successful child.

The author loves to give “Triple Crown” tips after each subchapter or technique. Soon, after immersing myself into the read, I suddenly understood. They are not simply tips but much more. Much, much more.

Now that I finished reading… I can sincerely say that I am richer then before I started. The book is wisdom in itself. Without a doubt, I will never play baseball. But… it seems to me that I will come back several times in life to this book. Because is worth it. Because it’s one of the most inspirational books I’ve read.

But… if you or your children intend to do it (playing baseball, of course 🙂 )… take my advice first. Read this book. For the rest of your life you will be thankful to the author.

To conclude… if you need a conclusion to all what I’ve said above…

As I understood from the “about the author” section, “The Triple Crown of Youth Baseball is Joey Anderson’s first book. I hope I will be lucky enough to read his next books, too.

After all, as Yogi Berra said, ‘Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good too.’

5 Stars from MC Simon, the WritersPayItForward’s reviewer.

five stars book review


The Triple Crown of Youth Baseball cover

I was inspired to write this book to help others avoid mistakes and improve their overall experiences. Through more than twenty-five years of playing, parenting, and coaching youth baseball, I have experienced a lot. With those experiences came joy, happiness, frustrations, heartache, and, best of all, memories. By sharing those experiences and the information I have obtained, I hope to help others create their own positive memories.

The Triple Crown is an award given to a Major League Baseball player who leads his respective league in the three main offensive categories: batting average, home runs, and runs batted in (RBIs). This award is prestigious because it has only been accomplished seventeen times in Major League history, most recently in 2012, by Miguel Cabrera of the Detroit Tigers. Cabrera was the first to win the Triple Crown since 1967, when Carl Yastrzemski accomplished the feat.

The reason I chose this title for my book was that, to me, the award and youth baseball are oddly similar. Like the Triple Crown award, I believe that there are three main components to youth baseball: players, parents, and coaches. When all three pieces come together and support one another you truly have something special. Almost every situation, player, parent, and coach is different, but the importance of the cohesiveness within the youth baseball’s Triple Crown and its effect on athletic success is universal.

Triple Crown will take you back through some of my most memorable baseball experiences, both good and bad. It will give players of all ages measurable goals, and strategies for attaining them, to ensure they are maximizing their potential. It will also suggest specific ways to improve all aspects of their game.

Triple Crown is a guide to help parents navigate the journey and challenges their child may face as a player, from tee-ball to high school and beyond. I hope this book will give aspiring parents the tools to become a coach or an assistant at any level. It will also explain how to make baseball a rewarding and positive experience for your children even if you choose to be, as many of us are, their number-one fans.

Triple Crown is a user’s guide for beginning, intermediate, and even “seasoned veteran” coaches. It provides insight into what I learned, how I failed, and my growth through the years with my two sons playing Little League, Babe Ruth baseball, travel ball, all-stars, and high school baseball.

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The Triple Crown of Youth Baseball - WritersPayItForward

The Triple Crown is an award giving to a Major League Baseball player who leads his respective league in the three main offensive categories; batting average, home runs, and RBIs or runs batted in. This award is prestigious because it has only been accomplished 17 times in Major League history, most recently in 2012, by Miguel Cabrera of the Detroit Tigers. Cabrera’s was the first since 1967 when Carl Yastrzemski accomplished the feat.

Editor's Rating:

One Response

  1. The Triple Crown of Youth Baseball is an inspiring and informative read for any young athlete and their parents. The author’s insights into the game and the journey to success are both motivating and practical. Highly recommend for baseball enthusiasts!

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