Book Details
- Title: Wave Rider: A Poetic Journey from Abuse to Wholeness
- Author: Rebecca Pott Fitton
- Genre: Spiritual Memoir / Poetry
- Length: 72 pages
- Publisher: Terra Nova Books
- Publication Date: February 1, 2017
Book Review
By M.C. Simon
The very attractive and inciting title grabbed my attention. I suddenly found myself curious about how the author will approach the promised journey from abuse to wholeness.
‘Wave Rider’ is my connection with the universe and the shifting paradigm that is a movement toward the spirit of the divine feminine. Here, the divine feminine refers to both women and men as we balance the feminine and the masculine in each of us.
Reading the introduction and the details about what the author experienced since early childhood, it almost made me feel sick.
With a bitter taste, I continued to read “Wave Rider” but, soon, I wasn’t any longer aware of when the time had passed. Almost in a blink of an eye, I reached its end. Almost in a blink… but this blink of an eye was filled with deep feelings… the author’s deep feelings which, are easily transferred to the reader.
‘Wave Rider’ is a poetic reflection of my journey to heal from sexual abuse, abandonment, and neglect to wholeness of body, mind, and spirit. My journey has taken a lifetime. To use the metaphor of waves, sometimes the undertow nearly drowned me; but I survived. I hope this writing will be an inspiration to those who have also suffered greatly from abuse.
Rebecca Pott Fitton, the author, captures the process of her multidimensional healing, the desire to actually live her life, the gift of love and freedom that she gave to herself, the journey to discover her authentic spirit, the revelation that her life is a blessing.
Through her poems, the author became a teacher who provides insights for others journey.
Each poem is an entire story. Each poem is a song that digs into psychology, memory, spirituality and cruelty. Each poem is a request for saving one’s heart. Each word is a describer of deep emotion.
To conclude, I recommend “Wave Rider” to anyone who was ever hurt, to everyone who needs healing, to everyone who wants to enter into a world populated by deep feelings.
Now… let me end this review with Rebecca Pott Fitton’s words:
When the portal opens, the universe is white.
The brilliance encompasses all the galaxies, stars, Earth, me.
The heart connection is palpable.
There is no beginning, no end, no separation.
Five Star from MC Simon, The Writers Pay It Forward’s reviewer.
Wave Rider is a poetic reflection of author Rebecca Fitton’s long journey to heal from sexual abuse, abandonment, and neglect, building a new world based on wholeness of body, mind, and spirit. Her journey has taken a lifetime. To use the metaphor of waves, sometimes the undertow nearly drowned her—but she survived. Now her beautiful and profound book offers inspiration to others who have also suffered greatly from abuse.
Rebecca’s journey, delightfully presented through her sacred poetry, resonates with an archetypal journey shared by many. The intimacy of her sharing and beautifully aligned prose guides us into a state of consciousness where peace can be found. Her book is a delicious delving into the sacredness of individuation.
~ Melissa Pickett
It is said that the longest journey begins with the first step. Truthfully, something precedes the first step: saying “yes” to the journey. In her book of poems, Rebecca invites us into her journey—one that says a resounding “yes” to life and an emphatic “no” to abuse. Her voice found through poetry, Rebecca speaks with courage, determination, and delight. My life-journey is the richer after reading her poems.
~ Paul Chitwood, L.M.T.
I have been reading Rebecca’s poetry for a few years now. Her choice of words in describing deep emotions, life’s challenges, and pivotal awareness-evoking experiences creates for me a rich and expansive tapestry of multidimensional memories, feelings, and a desire to explore further within myself issues and life mysteries raised by her poetry.
~ Emily M. Smith
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About the Author
Rebecca Pott Fitton explored different places and professional work. She grew up in Delaware and went to college in upstate New York. After graduating from Keuka College, she earned an M.A. in international relations at the University of Delaware. Then she headed to Michigan for careers in urban planning and health-care administration and an MBA from the University of Detroit. She continued working in health care in Ohio and retired as president of CareView Home Health in Middletown, Ohio. Retirement can be a busy time. Fitton brought her business acumen to service on five nonprofit boards. After her husband, Richard, died, she realized that the time had come to remake herself. As the lyrics of the song go, “I’d built a life wrapped so tight it was strangling me.” Freedom was a spirit call from Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Contact The Author
Wave Rider - Book Review - WritersPayItForward
The very attractive and inciting title grabbed my attention. I suddenly found myself curious about how the author will approach the promised journey from abuse to wholeness.
3 Responses
Wave Rider is an empowering and thought-provoking book that challenges you to ride the waves of life with grace and resilience. The author’s insights and personal stories are both inspiring and motivating. A must-read for anyone seeking personal growth!
Thank you for this insightful review – beautifully written
MC Simon, your kind and compelling words have left me speechless. Thank you for your review and blessings on your journey. Rebecca