P.S. Bartlett’s books:
About P.S. Bartlett (the author’s words):
“Writer, Artist, Wife, Mom, MomMom, 9-5er in my free time. Author of ‘Fireflies’ – Historical Fiction/paranormal and the prequel, ‘Hope from the Ocean’. I am taking a fantastic voyage. Won’t you join me?”
Excerpt from the First Chapter: “They barely knew him, this man whose wavy red mane was now frosted over and unruly, with the permanent indentation of a hat pressed into it. All he said was, “Ye’ll be livin’ with us now.” The letter was still folded in his shirt pocket from Wednesday’s post. The simple powerful expression of hopelessness played over and over in his mind, yet those few scribbles gave way to this foretold journey and the outcome of his brother and sister-in-law’s short lives. “Colleen is dead and buried and I don’t have the means to keep them. The sooner you come get them the better.” [read more]
Coming soon… for:
Excerpt from the First Chapter: “Ennis found a bird. He stood like a fence post, straight and still and about half as tall, cupping the small brown sparrow between his chubby palms and looking down in sorrow. Its feathers were softer than he had imagined they’d be and it didn’t try to peck him or escape as he expected. Its tiny talons scratched him lightly and felt tickly against his skin. Its dark blank eyes stared open, yet its body didn’t move…” [read more]