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Jean Claude

Jean ClaudeJean Claude (Writer)

Jean Claude is a 27 year old aspiring spiritual writer from Los Angeles, California. Having a background and career in Behavioral Therapy and Applied Behavioral Analysis, there is a strong undercurrent of psychology to his work.

Very early, he began to cycle through the different mainstream faiths, recognizing a similar message and intention behind them all – that intention being love.

While he interpreted these books literally, he began to realize that the instruction to “love thy neighbor as thyself” was much easier said than done. Upon honest evaluation he began to realize that the only thing more common than the command of “love thy neighbor as thyself” within these religions, was humanity’s inability to apply it. And sadly, he was no different.

The command to love was clear, the instructions however were not.

At this point, the revelation dawned that these texts were saying more than meets the eye, and that there were deeper levels of understanding to them – beyond their literal and historical context. They were written and guarded via a complex system of allegory.

Soon after he began to delve into the esoteric interpretations of these books (Kabbalah, Alchemy, Tao, and Gnosticism), and the veil began to lift – however slowly.

The Yogis, Alchemists, Gnostics, and the Sages of Kabbalah were all disseminating the same instructions. The problem? They were using different languages and terminology. Frustrated, he reached out to a handful of teachers (to whom he is eternally grateful), and the capstones were finally put into place.

Skeptical and cynical as ever, he began to apply these methods, and the results were immediate. The cap stone was set. One journey had ended, and another had begun.

6 Responses

  1. “Upon honest evaluation he began to realize that the only thing more common than the command of “love thy neighbor as thyself” within these religions, was humanity’s inability to apply it.”

    “”Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,
    And thy neighbour as thyself.”
    It seems so simple, yet is it so hard
    To work this on oneself?”
    – From the poem “J.C.”
    (From “Sunrise Over Avalon” by ST Coleridge & RL Hawkins)

    We are already of one tribe…..

    1. You are so right. What I always liked about his writing is that it speaks clearly, touches the heart and… behind the written words an entire new world is revealed.
      Thank you for your comment, Ed!

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