Riham Adly also known as Rose among friends, is a mother of two, a dentist and an emerging writer from Egypt with several articles and short stories published in local magazines and websites. Here’s a link to her most recent article about Ancient Egypt. Amulets, Scarabs and Crystals
She was recently a feature Writer in The HFC: A Journal or Art and Literature online magazine Issue 2. media.wix.com/ugd/02bab8_1dd0934c153d4f419607229a17742351.pdf
And had a short story and a poem contribution in Issue 3.
Her story “The Darker Side Of The Moon” won the MAKAN Award on 2013 and was published in an anthology by the same name.
Her 75-word story “Touch me” recently appeared on paragraphplanet.com
Her short piece “Freedom” appeared in Visual verse magazine.
She’s passionate about poetry, metaphysics, crystals, chakra healing, classical music and baking but her deepest passion is reserved for the aesthetic side of history and everything antique or vintage.