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Once There Was a Man

Once There Was A Man
photo by Adam Magyar

Once There Was a Man
Alexandru Cosmin Gheorghe


Once there was a man alone in a crowded place. He perceived time differently than others, and he wanted to tell that story.

Therefore, the story begins when… I heard a noise, a loud noise…

I looked behind, somewhere, at a lot of people and I saw through the mind’s eye.

What I saw was transmitted in the heart’s perception of time, as if time stopped. I could see, hear and feel everything around me. My perception showed me each person as they were. I started to observe them one by one. Everyone was talking on the phone complaining, laughing, lying and hoping.

Suddenly I started to like everything in every person as it was, and I felt a love for every human being, something told me loud but smoothly…

“All are your brothers, part of you, and you are a part of them” then… I said to myself, “All my brothers are parts of me”, then I stood up to get off and it seemed everyone was looking at me as if they’ve heard me!!!…

This is the truth… This is a true story… Now that I finished writing this, I am wondering…

Why can’t we love each-other?

Why don’t we unite?

Why do we hate each other so much?

Why win if we lose a brother of ours, a part of the whole?

Let us correct this selfishness in us… to tell a good story the next day!

Try to turn on the light which blinks from inside you!!!

Adam Magyar, Stainless – Sindorim (excerpt)

– Alexandru Cosmin Gheorghe –

4 Responses

  1. You’re right, I agree. Most of the people are concerned on these small things and not let us focus on the real tasks, maybe it’s time to wake up to do the hard things to unite…

  2. I wonder those questions myself sometimes. I think alot of us get so caught up in what we are doing we forget to reach out and observe those around us.

    “Stop and smell the roses”

    1. Yes, it’s true and I am very pleased to tell that story and what I felt, seen… It is possible if you try. If you really want to feel, you can do what you never thought. This could be so wonderful…

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